Saturday, February 20, 2016

Shoe0nHead's Hate Campaign Against The Disabled

June Lapine (a.k.a. Shoe0nHead) Must Hate The Disabled

If you can believe her Tweets (and who can believe them), then June Lapine must hate the differently-abled.

But the fact remains, how else can you describe all these Tweets?

One equated autistics with pedophiles. 

Given her recent rape scandal, and the older man she's dating, she might want to think twice before going on the war path against, for example, older men who prefer younger girls. Someone might point out that kind of hypocrisy. As they say...

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 

Warning: Some of these tweets may be disturbing.

As A Jewish Woman,* June Knows How It Feels To Be Hatre For Something She Can't Change
She can't change that she's a Jewish woman.* But one thing she can change is her relentless online campaign of hatred. 

As a Jewish woman, she should know what hatred like this can lead to.

Down's Syndrome Isn't A Joke To Someone Who Has All That "White Male Privilege"

June's made it clear that as far as she's concerned, autistic people aren't welcome around her on social media. But as a dominant force in the anti-feminist camp, it's almost impossible to avoid her, even if you wanted to.

It's like trying to be an online atheist and avoiding Thunderf00t. (If Thunderf00t was a full-time social media presence.)

If Autistics Aren't Welcome On The Internet, Then Where Are They Welcome? 

In high-technology professions, for one:

PHOTO: Autism made it hard for Phillip Griffin, 22, to find a job, but now he works at a software company in Illinois.
Tech Giant Sees "Competitive Advantage" In Hiring People Living With Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Autism covers a wide range of abilities, hyper-specialization, and rare aptitudes. People living with extreme autism can also have special needs.

June's recently turned professional hater, though, now calling herself a "very ok person", and commanding up to $585.18 per video.

It's No Surprise To Anti-Feminists That Hatred Pays Very Well Online

Maybe She's Been Tempted To Lead Her Own Hate Mob By Female Jewish Speakers Commanding Up To $20,000 And Higher Appearance Fees Per Event

It's very enlightening to replace the words in her tweets with the word "Jew" or "Hebrew":

  • I love how they are Jewishly obsessed w/ statistics of averages to comfort them so they can hate millions of people.
  • No Hebrew, I just think it's Jewy Adam Baldwin got banned over it.
  • Oh, my fucking Judaism
  • Rebuttals and I just scream in the background like "JUDAISM. THUMB. POTATO. END MY LIFE"
  • Legit the most fucking jewish thing i have ever seen on the internet to date. congratulations
  • legos for jewish kids and pedophiles on youtube now go to sleepies
It's Not Okay When You Change The Word "Jewish" To Autistic, Either

Why It's even worse if She Really Is Autistic

Is it okay for Jews to hate the Jews?

These Are Jews Who Fought For Hitler
Just because they're Jewish doesn't mean they're not Nazis participating in a deadly campaign of hatred.

What Would a Very OK Person Do?

Unlike her attacks on feminism, a fearsome hate movement which threatens to destroy democracy and free speech in Canada and Sweden, against capable professional bloggers, these attacks are aimed at the relatively defenseless, the socially inept, even the mentally ill.

They're aimed at those with incurable social disorders, the mentally challenged, and all labeled with her amateur diagnosis of autism. Unless she has a degree in psychiatry I don't know about and is able to diagnose people over the internet.


Is it really such a mystery? Let's examine the evidence.

Despite all her seemingly anti-feminist beliefs, her actions seem to be consistent with and insistent on damaging the reputation of her very ok followers. People who've been held as guilty by association by activist bloggers, looking to point out the extremists within a movement like anti-feminism.

June has 203,000+ Subscribers On This YouTube Channel Alone

Some Reputations She's Already Endangered:
  • Professor Christina Hoff Somers, the factual feminist AND anti-feminist denouncing the radical ideology that's taken over the efforts for equality within the women's movement. Somers risks her fine reputation being tarnished by association, even among those who'd otherwise be sympathetic.
  • Respected but controversial YouTube icon Sargon of Akkad, a commentator renowned for his remarkable objectivity, risks his reputation being tarnished by such close ties to the woman he knows as Shoe0nHead.
  • Political candidate and anti-feminist activist Lauren Southern has her whole career ahead of her, and has recently appeared in anti-feminist videos with Shoe0nHead.

June's entire anti-feminist movement could be called into question, giving an unfair advantage to the very feminists she criticizes. Here's how that could happen:

What would happen if the feminist-dominated establishment media were to discover Shoe openly expressing public hatred for the men, for autistic people, and for the mentally challenged people she ridicules because of their condition.

There's a Time And A Place To Say Whatever You Want

Behind closed doors, I think we can and should say whatever we like about these feelings in order to deal with them privately and work out whatever mental illness or emotional issues we may have.

Sometimes, you can't do it alone.

Not a place that's safe FROM being challenged, as "social justice warriors" commonly campaign for for, nor segregated spaces where other races and genders aren't allowed, but a therapeutic place with a trusted friend, a professional, licensed therapist or counselor, or even a comfortable place which is equipped to provide the kinds of resources people need to recover from emotional distress or mental unwellness.

A place which does challenges us. Where we can be allowed and guided to challenge our own preconceptions.

It's distressing to me to see the way a person who has access to a helpless, dependent animal (like her pet rabbit) is willing to treat people who are equally helpless and defenseless.

June's bunny rabbit.

There may not be any danger to her bunny, since it probably doesn't hurt a rabbit's feelings when you say things like, "You're just a rabbit."

Pets are the kinds of living beings who can't question you or disagree with you, so that must be comforting change of pace from the daily grind of social media.

I don't like to see her contributing to a culture of harming others. Especially those who aren't able to defend themselves.

Shouldn't people should be treated with equal dignity?

Regardless of their mental illness, disorder, or disability? Isn't that the human thing to do?

I believe it's time for her very ok fans to find a way to publicly denounce these kinds of action, but without bringing any particular person any more of the fame and recognition she clearly craves.

That craving shouldn't come at the cost of the reputations of others who associate with her, those who she accuses of having autism, whether or not it's true, and those who may actually be living with a social disorder of some kind.

Because what she needs isn't more fame, but our pity. 

Not our sympathy, but our empathy.

Empathy for the kind of pain capable of turning any one of us into a person who harbors hatred for others.

I believe all communication is either a message of love or a cry for help.

I think June needs your help.  And her fans, both feminists and anti-feminists alike, need to figure out Because there are more Junes out there.

Some of them can be found amongst her 52,900 follow on Twitter.

Others might lurk within the ranks of her 203,000+ subscribers on one of her YouTube channels.

Charlie, a severely autistic girl who doesn't speak, and needs her iPad to keep her calm.
It was snatched right out of her hands.

Many of these are drawn to... or not repelled by, or (hopefully) oblivious to June's campaign of hatred against people like Charlie, whose iPad was stolen by someone who chose not to show compassion.

An donor who wished to remain anonymous bought little Charlie a replacement iPad for the one that was stolen.

Autistics aren't June's only targets,

While she's said she'd never shame a man for a certain kinds of sexual preferences, June's nevertheless tweeted some shocking things disparaging certain types of very common, ordinary lifestyles most associated with men who aren't dating women.

If you're not heterosexual, in a relationship, and open to marriage, she's repeatedly broadcast the message in all sorts of ways that your lifestyle choice as a man just isn't acceptable to her.

And that's just not acceptable to me.

* Update: Shoe denied that she's Jewish.
The other facts weren't disputed.

Now you can
Love Me Or Hate me on Twitter

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Are White Men Treated As Black By Society?

Why White Men Attract Black Women, Get Treated Worse Than Blacks By The Legal System, Get Less Fewer And Smaller Scholarships Than Blacks Or Women, Less State Benefits

Are White Men The New Blacks?

And more importantly, does that mean it's cool to date black women?

In some very important ways, black men are discriminated against more than any other group. But as a result, they do get more help than white men. Black men are less likely to be circumcised.

(The one in which I seriously consider cutting off my own balls.)

White males were the most likely males to get a response.

People From The Middle East Are White

I'll Be Damned. By This Definition, The Most Destructive Terrorists ARE White

And Hey, Feminists: Hating White Men Means Hating ARABS, Too

By the way, while government census data counts people from the Middle East as white, OkCupid data respects the way people self-identify.

Which makes a highly liberal online dating site less liberal-biased than the U.S. Government itself.

Yes, Your Government's Data And Statistics Labs Are MORE Liberal-Biased Than These Guys
I wish I were joking.

For some reason, the government has lumped Middle Eastern and Whites together in census data. If they've also done this for crime data, it explains how they're able to hide the crime rates of Middle-Eastern born people.
While I Hate To Speculate...
(Source: RD)

Tin Foil Cat Section:

If you know of any national crime statistics based on religion, it would go a long way to making the government look a little less like it had a censorious totalitarian agenda.

But releasing that kind of data into the wild...

It May Well Result in Worldwide Revolt. 

The fact that the truth is "out there", but it's not available, that it's obviously been fudged is more than telling enough for me.

The Truth Is Out There. It's Just Not In Here.

It stands to reason that if someone in power goes to extraordinary lengths to hide something, then what their hiding is probably the source of their power.

Psst... Women... OkCupid's Data Thinks You're Sexy

White Men Are #Blackish When It Comes To Online Dating
For all races, race women are more desired than men of any race. Though white men actually fare almost as well as black women. Which might have something to do with their reputation as welfare moms. And if you can't pay the child support for a kid that might not be yours, you get to go to prison. It seems that...

Black Women Are The New Jail Bait

And since they can pick up the phone and make you reimburse the state for the costs of their kid, they're the new plantation massah race, keeping men as sex slaves. Twice as often as non-black women, per capita.

A fact white men are apparently clueless about, given that non-blacks are more likely to give them a chance, even though black women offer black men by far the best chances of getting laid.

Many black guys still don't want to mess with black women. Those racists!

Black men are more likely than anyone else to end up in prison. Getting a black girl pregnant without the ability to pay a quarter million dollars of child support is one of the ways that's going to happen.

If you're black, being racist gives you a survival advantage. 

Whoa. That sounded pretty racist. What I mean is, if you're a black man, you have good reason to avoid black women.

Whew. Much better.

For example, keeping your dick away from black single moms helps keep your black ass out of jail.

Subjectively speaking, I find black guys are more likely to be racist than most other groups, even if it's considered racist for a white person to say so.

And I think it's because more than anyone else in America, they have to be racist just to get by.

If you're a hispanic living in L.A. and you "don't see color", then you won't know not to disrespect the Bloods and Cryps.  You might wear the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhood.

You might not be paranoid enough.

In war-torn hellholes like Los Angeles County, racism is one thing that keeps your black ass above ground and still breathing.

Hey Liberals: Racism Exists For a Reason

But let's not use data to support our racist conspiracy theories. Let's use anecdotal evidence, too.

Middle Eastern Chicks Were The Most Sexy Women On OkCupid In 2009

Even Though Middle Eastern and Asian Women Get a Little Stabby Sometimes

We have the OkCupid blog data, which reflects social attitudes as of 2009.

Evolutionary speaking, women look for a provider. If you're offended by that, go try raising some babies without food, shelter, heat, and someone to pay your light bill, replace the bulbs, fix the broken windows when there's a draft.
We've Gone To Fix The Window, Honey. Didn't you know? There's a Draft.

The reason why single moms live in apartments is because the super will fix it if it breaks. You'd better have someone to pay the electrician or plumber if you're going to be a single mom living without a man in a house built for two adults and a pack of kids.

But of course I'm forgetting that having a vagina gets you access to volunteer teams of fix-it men who work on the barter system. is why "casual feminism" of being a callous modern woman is a survival mechanism. Your kids are more likely to prosper when you fuck men over without giving a damn. Your kids get a house.

Casually feminist career man-haters can prosper because they accept all the financial benefits of having a providerwithout actually having him around.

With the ex-husband out of the house he's still paying for, you're free to rent out your vagina in exchange for the nice things you want instead of starving your children to pay for those sexy pumps.

Given your meager salary, and next to no desire to work overtime OR dangerous, high-income jobs, you're probably going to need to rent out that vagina SOME of the time.

If I could occassionally sell my ass for money some of the time... Hey. That gives me an idea. Sell my ass. Very interesting concept. What suppresses the market is the gays are much more willing to fuck than women, so gays have less of a shortage of sexual opportunities than straight men.

I'd Give My Left Nut To Be Happy

Just as incarcerated men may eventually stop producing sperm (and not just those subjected to radiation experiments), castrated men eventually lose their sexual desire.

They don't need sex, so they don't need to earn as much money, and can live their lives more happily, paying less proportion of their earnings on taxes, which means a castrated man with the company of pets and friends can earn live about as well and about as happily as a family man does.

A post-op trans woman gets all those benefits a castrated male has, keeps his superior male faculties he was born with, including handiness, inventiveness and adaptability, may ultimately lose the urge to have sex, may gain the benefits of being seen as a woman, while gaining the social authority of being able to say he's a trans woman, and look how hard it is for trans women.

If a trans woman wants to be a prostitute instead of working for a living, a job which is only about as dangerous than the jobs men are expected to do, while being a better paying job, that gives her access to men who can afford such luxuries, then she can do that.

How To Break All The Rules And Beat The Odds

If you're a very selective heterosexual man, you still have more options, and can potentially get an even better deal than a trans woman in some respects.

And no, you don't need to take one for the team. Not exactly.

I Promise You'll Never Be Forced To Have Sex With Whatever This Thing Is. (Not By Me, Anyway)
But once you go black, you can always come back. Especially if you aim high. Like over 40.  Lemme explain...

You'll still be hated by society, which will of course happen anyway, but you'll potentially have access to more and better sex than most anybody else is getting. This requires quite a bit of ruthlessness, but it lets you keep your junk.

Glancing at the data, a straight white man's got a pretty damn good shot with black woman. And black women have basically fuck-all for options compared to women, so the power shifts noticeably in your favor.

As long as you don't mind picking out the friendliest scorpion in the box while blindfolded, and avoid feminists, liberals, single moms, then almost intelligent, accomplished housewife-type woman older than Beyonce could be worth considering.

Look, I've done fairly well with white girls, but there were always certain kinds of things white women weren't motivated to do.

Like being reasonable.

"But you just said black women are jail bait!"  That's right. I did. You've been warned. Much more likely to be than white women. That's true.

But  I didn't say all black women were jailbait.  If you like to live dangerously, and a lot of men do, then you can take the biggest risk of all, and go girlfriend shopping in the deepest, darkest jungles and get the sexiest women you've ever dated.

This is a secret that's on the same level as traveling to places with dollar beers. It's almost as good as learning about Eastern Europe's magazine model prostitutes who'll gladly give you a blowjob for a fraction of the cost fat, skanky American girls on charge. And nut-for-nut, it's pennies on the dollar what American wives and single moms get.

Lorena Bobbitt, January 1994
Lorena Bobbitt: Sorry not sorry I cut off your penis, bro.

If you're not careful, ONE white woman can wreck your life anyway. That's all it takes: One mistake.

But it's not fair to make generalizations, I can understand why men do. Men need to be relatively indescriminate because they're horny right now, need to fuck, and want to make a quick decision.

>>> Decision: To cut off or not to cut off?

"Black girls, no. Arabs? Cute but knifey. I'll risk it."
(Careful. This woman looks like a womanist.)

But thanks to the power of the Pareto Principle...

Being selective pays. VERY selective. You can select from a pool of smart, hot, libertarian or conservative-leaning black women ages 40 and up.  Fertility is much less likely to get in your way. The kids, if any, are grown up enough to leave you lovebirds alone if they're even around at all.
20% Of The Women Create 80% Of Men's Problems
As an experienced straight white man over 30, with ever-increasing earning power (or at least unrealized potential earning power), you might find a slightly older hottie who's delighted to offer you one of the best deals on the market. A reasonable amount of sex with very low risks.

"Isn't this like getting a better deal by choosing a slightly used car?" Yes, in a sense. But a used car doesn't give you blowjobs. This OkCupid article makes a pretty damn good case for dating women over 40. Especially

Even though it leaves out one of the most important benefits of all. She's far less likely to get you pregnant by mistake. But if you want a kid, with a doctor's help, it's still a good possibility.

If you're into bareback because you're out of your damn mind, I wouldn't risk it with a younger girl, even if she says she can't get pregnant, promises she's taking the pill or shows you a piece of paper showing she's had the shot. Not with a quarter million bucks on the line.

Some Guys Are Into This Kind Of Thing
I would imagine older women make much more responsible moms, but that's not a guarantee, so let's be careful out there.

Nothing I've said protects you from the lucrative divorce industry for do-nothing moms who want to turn into professional breeders to supply slave-babies to the state.

Sorry. My anarcho-cynicism must be acting up again.

Given this perspective, #MGTOW isn't necessarily a man's only good option. Men take risks for a reason. It serves the human race. It's natural to risk if you're a man. Natural to be a pussy if you have a vagina.

If you're willing to throw away your future and make a huge commitment at the drop of the hat to whichever random girl turns your boner hard, then there's nothing wrong with KNOWINGLY wrecking your life by letting something ripe and bouncy go up and down on your bedpost.

It's Your Funeral, Dude

What I object to is giving generation after generation of men a backpack full of bed-sheets, telling them it's parachute, and sending them skydiving.

For creative men willing to be much more selective, value people on a case-by-case basis, take your time in choosing a piece of ass, embracing the ample opportunities rampant sexism and racism opens up for you, then you can find a great deal at bargain prices on a piece of ass with plenty of miles left on her.

There's a time and a place for sexism and racism. Picking out a sex partner is NOT that time.

I mean, I'd go ahead and avoid someone you're not attracted to. Don't be ridiculous, but ruling out an entire race might not be the smartest move you can make.

A woman over 40 with no accidental buns left in the oven may actually be cheaper than that bargain-basement girlfriend sex you're got used to getting in your 20s.  (And if you had an incredible run of luck, then the cheap sex stayed cheap.)

Another option... If you want sex with young girls, I'd stick to sluts who are already pregnant and keep the relationships short. The honeymoon phase for relationships only lasts 6 months. And you haven't done a damn thing wrong if you're honest about your intentions.

Although being honest about your intentions is a bit like being honest about your porn collection. It has the down side that most women have a bad habit of being unreasonable about such things.

But if you're are willing to give a girl 6 months to get you hooked on the notion that she's not like all the other pregnant girls, you might actually be giving her the best available deal she's got going.

Being pregnant is the quintessential expression of femininity.
You know those girls put out.

A girl who's both pregnant and available has already got the genes she wanted from some sexy jerk. Now all she needs is a provider type. If she gets you knocked up, you're on the hook to pay a good portion of her bills. If you're not exactly husband material, income-wise, then she can't be expected to stay with you once she's got all you can give.

Think of your kid's future. You, the nice guy, are going to produce a nice kid who's going to be unable to escape a mom-o-path and her more attractive, more favored bully kids, each from some dumbass or some sexy athletic fucker who's devious enough to get dozens of girls pregnant without sticking around.

Even if you get to stick around for the privilege of paying for every meal your kid ever eats, he might manage to get someone else pregnant. One way or another, that can easily become your problem. Especially if your access is limited, it might not be something you'll get the chance to correct in time. This makes mate-selection all the more important because unless she gets cancer, a problem woman doesn't just go away.

Luckily, the nightmare scenario of a vexatious litigant is relatively rare at this point. Your woman is much more likely to slap you than to slap with a frying pan than a restraining order.

But there's a damn good chance she'll cheat on you with some athlete, rockstar, or pool boy, THEN slap you with a frying pan.

There's no way to get rid of these honorless, sexy jerks from the population because they're our rockstars who keep the tribe's genes strong.

And Almost By Definition, They Don't Care What You Think.

So trying to guilt them out of existence is futile. And even if you outlaw adultery, only outlaws will commit adultery. Generation after generation, that compounds into a genetic edge to the outlaws, and it means you'll only breed a society of cheaters.

Which is exactly what the Abraham religions have done.

Even an outlaw is bound by the law of unintended consequences. True believers are blind to all evidence.

Your mom and dad currently hate these guys when their daughter wants to date them, even though your mom probably has a thing for some guy like David Beckham.

By Lusting After Rockstars And Cheating On Daddy, Mom's Just Keeping The Tribe's Jeans Strong

Personally, I went from unwanted runt to a rockstar with the ladies, if you know what I mean.

You don't know what I mean? They gave me their numbers and started acting nice and friendly and went out on dates. Shut up. Girls used to dig me.

So I've seen both extremes. And nowadays, I'm practically a celibate monk. Or a hermit. I've chosen my own path, and it's not for everyone. And you're not necessarily stuck with it forever. For men, skill is a factor. So is income. Those things can improve. One or the other is fine.

She's Not Getting Any More Pregnant

Most of the danger men face in dating, given the current laws 'round these parts, has to do with a woman getting pregnant.

Easily avoided.

A girl who's pregnant probably isn't all that interested in a new guy, nor would she imagine most guys would be interested in dating her. I mean a pregnant single woman?

That's the single mom your single mom warned you about. 

Or is she? Again. Case by case. Maybe there are extenuating circumstances.

Oh, Thank God. I Thought You Were Alone Because You Divorced Him. Turns Out You Just Cut His Break Lines.
So you've got your black, pregnant, politically conservative widow over 40. There's no way she can financially trap you, now.

If you're the kind of guy who has no scruples whatsoever (not that I'm judging), then this may be a way to protect yourself.

Most dalliances (hook ups) don't last that long anyway, and it's very unlikely you're going to accidentally get a pregnant woman any more pregnant than she already is. For the first few months, she's not even showing.

And after all, you should really be congratulating yourself...

It's Like Moneyball

While most people are generalizing, racist, sexists bastards, you're the one looking at people case-by-case, it gives you an unfair advantage.

What Would Brad Pitt Do?

Nobody wanted the pitcher who had an unconventional throwing style, but if you're a fat Jewish nerd who looked very closely at the numbers, (because you can't get a date without a spreadsheet) you'd easily find a pitcher who gets on base, strikes out batters, and works cheap because the other teams don't want him for reasons that have nothing to do with performance.

If you don't ask, you can't tell.

After all is said and spent, straight men are the poorest of all group, in terms of what disposable income is left over after a woman spends it. It's why straight men have to work such long hours at such dangerous jobs with most of that income going straight into a woman's pocket.

It's relatively easy for women to get sex. It's even easy to get sex from . And thanks to alcohol and other date rape drugs, it's easier for women to get access to sex from men who don't want to fuck them.

All they need is a provider

Well what the fuck? Why not Asian men? And not just because they're hot, sexy, and have chiseled abs and kick ass in movies.
Asians aren't just top earners. They're good with money. Saving money. Meaning... not spending it.  That immediately changes with the next generation starts spending like a sailor to keep up with their sexual competition, when young men rebel against their parents, but the stigma lasts awhile. Kind of like racism lasts awhile.

When you demonize white men, you're doing...

The Kind of Damage That Lasts For Generations

So to say all white men must die, (apart from inadvertently including Middle Eastern men, according to the U.S. Census),

Things "White Guys" Blew Up

Sure. "White" guys like to blow shit up. For example

The Challenger Space Shuttle

Oklahoma City Federal Building

The Twin Towers

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

For some reason, "white guys" are still doing okay with . Better than black guys, in fact.

You might then expect women to be more interested in Asian men, who are objectively the best providers. As a racial group, the top earners in America.

But America's a rich country, so race might not be the primary way American women deciding whether or not to respond. If you're on OkCupid, you have an internet connection, a computer, and somewhere to put it.

If income IS important to women, race isn't the most reliable an indicator of income. Reported income is. Men are as likely to lie about how much they make as women are to lie about how many sexual partners they've had.


Eh. I'll finish this crap later.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Why Is Makeup Called False Advertising?

Simple. Because Makeup IS False Advertising

Hey girls. Disappointed the day after sex? No problem. It's not your fault. When you change your mind the next day, it's RAPE. And rape is NOT your fault.

(What feminists actually believe)

When you're disappointed the day after sex because a man wasn't who he seemed, you're happy to call it rape. Why?

Because you're a liberated woman with the right to change her mind

A guy doesn't have as much money as he claimed? Call him a rapist, and sex isn't  your fault anymore.

You're not a dirty, filthy, cock-gobbling slut doing the walk of shame. You can hold your head up high as a cum-covered rape victim.

It wasn't a gangbang. It was rape. Yay!

Your feelings are protected. And really, girls, THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. Your feelings. Your convenience. All your girlfriends will be happy and lavish you with tons of delicious attention and hang on your every word.

People will rush to your aid. Just like you're a glamorous princess with all the King's horses and all the King's men rushing to fix it and destroy the man who DONE EVIL TO YOU. And didn't respect a woman's choice to be rape princess of the month!
Which Rape Princess Are You, Little Darlin'?
Those who don't recognize your newfound regal powers are jerks who only want to make you feel bad because boys are wicked and dirty and so are their filthy, ugly cocks.

Except when cocks feel so good, you can't possibly resist taking ten at a time if you want.

Erase the slut away, lady princess queen. Have a tiara with your limitless power, Miss Empress, while some mortal begs you for mercy he'll never deserve. Peasant scum!

Are we clear on how fucked up feminism is?

But besides false rape claims, which society conveniently brushes aside, ignores, won't let you talk about, and won't even share with their friends if YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE TALKING ABOUT IT... as a man, you must beware:

The High Cost Of Fucking A Troll Demon

What does it cost him to risk sleeping with a disgusting, ugly troll with a quarter inch of spackle troweled on her head?

How about a quarter of a million dollars he may be forced to pay if you refuse to abort the demon baby fetus monster.
Kill It! Kill it with FIRE

You feel free to put his beer goggles on.

Free to fuck a passed-out man, (or boy) and force him to pay child support on pain of incarceration!

Even if you abused your position of power over him, such as in juvenile facilities. Maybe an orphanage or something. Or school!

No need. Being a woman is already a position of power over men.

All you have to do is threaten to report him if he won't fuck you.

Or call HIM the rapist if he isn't what he seemed to be.

Choices, choices. Why not both? In today's fucked up family courts, you can rape the nut out of a child, and force him to pay back child support.

What the fuck are you? Shy? Demure? Compliant? Seductive? But then you go from bangable cutie in one night to monstrous succubus she-beast parasite who clings ferociously to a man's genitals for nearly twenty years, in the case of marriage or child support.

A man has a lot more at stake, financially.

What's a woman's risk? Next to nothing, since she can...
  • abort the pregnancy
  • give up the child at any time no questions asked, 
  • take the morning after pill
  • accuse her lover of rape and be believed
  • have the father raise the child
  • have her parents raise the child

Absolutely nothing chains her to her choice, even in the event of pregnancy. But a man is often chained to the outcome of his ejaculation, regardless of whether or not it WAS a choice.

  • Even if he was too drunk to consent.
  • Even if the woman looks like a ghoulish demon without her makeup
  • Even if the woman's body looks nothing in the morning light like it did last night.
  • Even if she turns out to be a goddamned feminist after pretending to be a Men's Rights Activist.
  • Even if she poked holes in the condom, robbing him of his only protection.

Providing him with faulty condoms? That's false advertising, too. Or... as I like to call it...

Hacking Into His Scrotum

When Makeup Isn't False Advertising... Anti-Feminist
Libertarian Lauren Southern Pretty Much Always
Looks This Good
Southern Even Looks Good
As A 19th Century Boy
Saying you're on the pill when you're not?

More false advertising.

Wearing makeup to hide your troll face?

More false advertising.


Yeah. I've heard that one, too. My boy would have just graduated high school if I hadn't been able to reason with that one woman that one time.

After she told me she couldn't get pregnant, then raped me, and then got pregnant. At some point we moved in together and our cat got pregnant, too. That's not important right now. Stop trying to deflect.The point is...

That Rapist Bitch Wouldn't Take Out The Trash or Anything

Probably shouldn't have moved in with her. Twice.

Women were full of thousands of ways to deceive a man hundreds of years before the internet came along.

Your face is an honest signal of health. Which is why so many women hide their faces. 

  • And their intentions.
  • Their politics
  • Their debts
  • Their income
  • Their sexual preference
  • Their interests... Do they want babies or not?

While women say they won't date a man without his own real job, his own real (not rented) car, and his own, real teeth, a man isn't even allowed to see beneath her mask before taking a quarter million dollar gamble and risk making an 18 year commitment.

I Hope She Didn't Tamper With That Condom She Gave You, Dude.

Doesn't matter. She'll find a way. Life always finds a way. Just ask Dr. Ian Malcolm, from Jurassic Park.

Men aren't typically permitted the luxury of foundation and bronzer to hide their flaws. Women snoop through his belongings to see if he's the real deal.

Can a man hide the length of his penis? NOT as long as she can see your fingertips.

Women pluck the fuck out of their eyebrows, wax this, shave that, and pretend they won't begin the face-stuffing marathon the instant they trap a man.

I'm a pretty big fan of some very beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, capable, amazing women. I consider some of them acquaintances and very nice people and they're very important to me. Some I've known for months. Others for years.

There's Not One Woman I know I'd Risk "Accidentally"
Buying A Lamborghini On A First Date If Things Go Well

Not the kind of "Get Lucky" I had in mind

If a sexually active man wanted to take out Stay The Fuck Out Of Jail Insurance, it might cost him five or ten thousand dollars a month, given the number of pregnancies he could accidentally create, even if he's careful. And unpopular with the ladies.

For a woman getting a free child is more akin to picking out a cute, talking pet, in terms of her commitment and personal responsibility. (Maybe she keeps it. Maybe not.)
In today's legal environment, dating women represents a considerable financial risk you're asking him to shoulder entirely.

Here's the deal

You can either screw an idiot, which is incredibly easy, or you can seek out a man who thinks for himself.  He'll have to demand proof you've taken out about a million dollar reproductive bond (if such a thing could ever exist) to cover damages in the event of your reproductive negligence.

What if it's twins? Triplets? You want him to take that risk, too?

And since you can't be alone with a woman and expect nature not to take its course, this bond should be verified, posted on the dating site, and he needs to check your ID the moment he meets you more than YOU need to do a criminal background check to determine whether or not he's a serial rapist.

The kind of damage women really do.
It's a metaphor. Get over it.
Because you can recover from rape.

Imagine how badly you'd have to be beaten... need $250,000 worth of recovery treatment over the course of 18 years.

You're doing far worse than fracturing a man's spine in 15 places

when you literally fuck him with false advertising

While he's paying for your kid, it makes it harder for him to go about his business, doesn't it? He's a mortal man, doomed to die, never having found a woman he loves because of your willful negligence in deceiving him.

It's domestic abuse of the most extreme kind.

Which is Why Hiding Your Face and Fertility From Your Sex Partner 
is About Equivalent to Attempted Murder

Remember the rapist who supposedly couldn't get pregnant?

We didn't see each other after that. Less than five years later, I found a decent job and would have gladly supported a child. Even wrote to her to tell her so. No response. Since then, dozens of sex partners later, it hasn't come up.

Not that I'm afforded any right to know if it did.

Maybe that decent vocational job was so dangerous it's rendered me sterile. Or because the subsequent relationships didn't last.

Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die childless. I'm a genetic dead end. Why? Because I was too reasonable. Because I could articulate how I felt. Because I could make a girl understand how much I cared not to bring any child into the kind of poverty I grew up in.

I probably never would have met my son, even if I somehow made enough to cover the costs. Maybe she would have given him up for adoption, in case I'd never even know his name. He could have been sick, and needed medical care my health plan wouldn't cover.

He might have taken after his mother and ended up an alcoholic. Or taken after his father and become a sensitive, protective, slightly unhinged nerd.

But if she'd decided to give him up for adoption without my blessing, I'd never even know his name.

Accidental Pregnancy Versus Car Crashes

If you get into a car crash, and your only crime was getting into the car, you're protected by insurance.

If you get into fatherhood, and your only crime was getting into a vagina, you're protected by nothing.

When a woman robs you of your reproductive choice by hiding her face, her features and fertility, you have to assume she's equivalent to a violent criminal,

No matter how many of them there are.
No matter how innocent they appear.
No matter how society instructs you to regard them.

FTC Regulations Prohibit False Advertising

I know of people sued by the Federal Trade Commission when someone acting in their name dared to make making false or misleading statements about a product they were selling.

Feminism Is False Advertising

Not only is feminism a front.

In fact, the women pushing feminism may never know they're pushing Stalinist Marxism until they're personally rounded up into ghettos or gulags.

If feminists were held to that same "false advertising" standard, the Wage Gap Myth and Camus Rape Myth could cost feminism every nickle they've ever raised. Or at least every nickle they have.

Don't want that kind of accountability? No problem. You're not accountable. Feminists hate accountability, you know.

Just accept that false advertising is okay. In which case...

Therefore Date Rape Drugs Are Fine With Feminists, Then?

Isn't it perfectly okay for me to buy you a so-called beer that turns out to be a date rape drug?

Why not? By your no-accountability standards on false advertising ("It's jokes! I was just kidding!") you're perfectly fine with something that LOOKS like a sweet, delicious, cold beverage, but turns out to be

After all, alcohol is proven to be a reliable panty-remover. Why would you drink it unless you wanted those pesky things off your twat for the night so barflies could randomly shove their creampies into your cooter?

Wait... you say you should be allowed to get completely hammered without so much as a man laying a finger on you?

Your Utter Lack of Accountability Seems to be Getting in the Way of Your Utter Lack of Accountability

So either feminism should be de-funded and sued by the FTC (because it's making misleading statements and false advertising is wrong) or rape basically doesn't exist.

Which one? No feminism or no rape?

Oh, fuck. That's right. Without rape being the most awful thing that ever existed, there would be no feminism because nobody would give a shit.

If UNWANTED SEX were seen as a crime on par with assigning UNWANTED HOMEWORK, then feminism would die a slow, painful death almost as torturous as homework itself

From "Homework Should Be Banned" by BENJAMIN BERRAFATO 

Which it's sort of doing, by the way. Since feminism makes false and misleading statements about how bad rape is.

Meet A Rape Baby

Ever meet a rapist's baby? Sure you have. You might not know it, but you almost certainly have, if rape is even 1% as common as feminists claim it is.

But a few moments of reasoning would destroy feminist thought. So how does it survive at all? By erasing thought. By erasing people, in some cases. And by clamping down tight controls over what you're allowed to see and think and feel.

Which can only possibly be achieved from the top. If the owners didn't push it, it wouldn't survive. Marxism makes the rich even richer because it prevents people from being able to say

"Feminism is a total, transparent sham" 
"These corporations and governments are anti-competitive and sucking away our money for no good reason".

The entire establishment could topple unless rape were worse than boiling babies in oil. Which is the reason why...

Feminism depends for its survival on totalitarian control of thought, just like the ugly cultural Marxism it tows right behind it. Women are used as shields, when it's convenient.

Or the plantation slave descendants who are getting scholarships like candy, thanks to rampant white guilt.

How Feminists Are Erasing Rape From Existence

Now don't tell me feminism is about principles.  It can't be. Because if principles don't matter, than the "rape is bad" principle doesn't matter, either.

Congratulations! You've can erase the social stigma against unwanted sex either way. But I'll tell you a secret...

Did you know that a few women actually prefer to be raped? 

They love having sex, but won't consent. They say "no" when they mean yes. Why? Because it's a turn-on.

What if it's true? What if no means yes sometimes?

"I like it when a guy gets frustrated and just holds me down and fucks me. That's a huge turn on for me." - Louis CK, telling a story about a woman he met at age 20 who was humping him in his hotel room.

If rape is bad, then the mainstream media must think satirist RooshV is the most evil man on the planet:

I don't know what the media expected to see at Roosh V's supposed pro-rape events
Satirical Artist's Conception. Source: Me

Welcome To Hell

You're living in the zombie apocalypse. Every woman you see is about as safe as an axe-murdering anal rapist who likes to stomp on your head while they ass-fuck your guts out.

All while demanding the proper respect a lady deserves.

If they don't get you, they'll still have the government rob nearly half your paycheck so it can raise other people's rape babies. If they DO get you, it's tax PLUS child support, PER child.

Because women need protecting, dontcha know? And to that end, they've built a 4+ trillion dollar per year governaut in the U.S. alone which protects them at your expense.

You want to protect women? Fine. But do it out of your own pocket. Because I've already been robbed of the possibility of trust, love, family, or country.

A country protects its citizens. Not its thieves.

I therefore recognize no so-called country's right to steal, destroy love, lives, even in the name of protecting my supposed rights, including the so-called "right" to property. Not the one people seem to pray to or salute or take pride in or sing songs about at sports game events.

Not as the masses commonly believe it to be. And therefore I'm happy to treat all types of thieves with equal dignity. The same respect I give every other thieving, sub-human brain-eating zombie.

A woman who wears deliberately deceptive makeup and clothing is giving out an Honest Signal... or an indicator of health, fertility, and sanity. (Because scientists couldn't just say men's universal attraction to a certain hip-to-waist ratio is a reliable prejudice, they instead call it an honest signal.)

Feminism Is Dying

The greatest news for civil liberty lovers is this: Feminism is on the decline. And thanks to communications technology, an ideology that thrives on ignorance is ultimately doomed to fail.

Just as those who seek to suppress thought in a society ever more dependent on technology is doomed to fail. 

In a time when talking about recognizing men's right to the same equal treatment under the law as women, in cases of reproduction, rape, conscription, genital destruction, and family courts, you're still somehow considered a lunatic wingnut.

This is the good news for future generations of innocent children currently brutalized, victimized, and torn from their innocent fathers by armed gunmen paid by the state by the millions.

Rates of Self-Reported Feminists Falling Since the 1960s
(Feminists can't figure out why.)

Mentions of the word "feminism" in print is in free-fall

Thanks for reading. I go by Fair Use on YouTube or Downfall of Feminism on Twitter. What candidate do I support? None. I don't believe it makes it okay to harm another person just because one or a billion people agree with me that it's okay. I don't favor any nationalist candidates. I don't favor any globalist candidates. Which is too bad. If I said I was a pro-rape MRA for Trump, and appeared to want to pander to the Marxist left, and fit into its twisted morality I'd probably get a lot wider distribution.

That being the case, 1) Yay Trump for kicking Hilary's ass in the polls, 2) Let's bring back the great and sexy tradition of rape rights for women who want to be raped by macho masculine conservative extremist heteronormative white men, 3) not that I'm sexist or racist... some of my best friends online are black or hispanic... and just for good measure, 4) if women would shower a little more often, they might not be as likely to be killed by bears in the wild.

Copyright (C) 2016 by Fair Use. As if that matters.