Tuesday, June 21, 2016

OPINION: Why your educated liberal friends don't seem to listen to reason.

TL;DR: Because There's Blood On Their Hands

Why won't this joker (pro comedian) name the problem or jump on the solution train?

No need for a Marxist explanation. My attempt to disprove myself yielded some fruit a couple weeks ago.  
I wrote this 2 weeks ago w/o publishing it. Because I wasn't sure if I could be so savage and actually name names, so I didn't publish. Then this morning, I heard Stefan Molyneux covering these ideas in a lot of detail and said: Well that sounds damn familiar. Has this ever occurred to me?

Oh, yes it did. And I even wrote it down. And most likely, I've forgotten that I got the idea from Stefan in the first place. But probably more importantly, it's impossible that he could have gotten the idea, however indirectly, from this blog post. 
This current thinking has been based on RECENT observations of the people around me which contradicted my previously held mental models of reality.  So if you favor the Marxist conspiracy over the underlying biological forces, just see which fits your experience better, and let me know below. Thanks. ]

The left has blood on their hands. Or so they feel. But first, the disclaimers:

Rather than stop every five seconds to say "This is a hypothesis" or "it seems to me" or "it's fun to speculate", I'm going to make it clear that these are simply my fact-based suspicions and opinions. We all suspect things before going to investigate them. We act on our hunches.

Nobody knows exactly why our beloved friends and family, including the marvelous Dave Rubinses of the world feel guilty, or at least seem to behave as if they do.

But here's why it counts. You know how people say you've got to walk a mile in another man's shoes?

As a very street smart, very successful executive once said about What They Don't Teach You At Harvard, (which they since started teaching at Harvard) you have to know when to trust your gut. He also said watch out for lawyers, who'll kill a perfectly good deal and stir up trouble just to get more overtime hours.

When it comes to people, your gut feeling tells things you can't get from anywhere else. 

For example, your white liberal friend who's working for a company on curing cancer, marries a minority, and visits the scene of a genocide on vacation and blogs about it is probably driven by a feeling of guilt. I can't prove it, but it fits the facts.

It fits the cultural anti-white hysteria. 
It seems pretty obvious when I put it that way. And that's the kind of gut feeling I'm talking about.

But why would someone who's much better informed still publicly side against Trump, as Dave Rubin seems to be doing?

Well, as he mentioned, he stands to lose a lot of friends, just by standing up for liberal values like free speech. It's far too haram. Too conservative. Forbidden by progressive law. 

People stand to lose a perfectly good piece of ass for having the wrong opinion, and some believe they must support people who give lip service to leftist pandering rhetoric about gay marriage.

The so-called libertarians have this problem, too. They're more interested in this morally superior, narcissistic, heroic image of "from my cold dead hands". Well I can assure you that your hands will be cold and dead if Mao Zedong gets elected and comes for your guns.

And I've got news for the leave-me-alone crowd. Most people are either socially liberal or financially conservative, and they vote in self defense anyway. It's the nature of first-past-the post voting.

The two party system is an inevitable side effect of that system. It's been a false choice from the beginning.

I've been watching these things develop for awhile now, and it's about time to begin to expose it to the light of scrutiny.

This is what my gut tells me.

Liberals go to college and get jobs and get married and have approximately 1 kid or less. I keep seeing the liberals doing this. 1.5 kids tops. Then they get snipped.

Especially in places like Sweden.

Seems many of them have a good income in a not-so-dangerous job, someone to theoretically fuck if they want to, a job and maybe a promotion that sucks a little less than the jobs of people without a degree. This took them a lot of work and sacrifice, and they're not willing to give it up on principle.

Among the rewards?

They even get to pretend they feel morally superior at all times. 

But only by putting other people down. So far, I haven't said anything too remarkable.

I've gotten into a series of conversations with these people. They seem to know they're wrong. You can tell because they're not interested in finding out what's going on. 

They're interested in imposing their views on you. 

By force, if necessary. Or if it's convenient. Usually without listening.

They have every kind of knee-jerk reaction when you start making too much sense.

People who take drastic actions may be nuts, but they've really thought things through. Don't believe me? Just read their manifestos.
And most especially if they can get you to pay for the force they use to compel you to pay for the privilege of being subjected to their views.

Which... as convoluted as it sounds, actually happened to me. (A story for another time.)

You'll know someone's a liberal because they start making excuses for radical feminists, radical Islam, and dismissing conspiracy theories as ridiculous without ever saying why. And when you present any facts or arguments, they shut them out. They're not interested in hearing them.

It's no different than conversing with a true believer in a cult. Or at least, one of the people who stands to gain financially by defending their cult from the real and present danger of honest inquiry.

Until today, I thought this must be the result of confirmation bias. But that strikes me as too convenient an excuse, in this case.

Because I've seen what confirmation bias looks like. When you debate a Christian man, for example, you might never change his mind.

But a Christian man doesn't typically try to shut you down or discredit you like liberal zealots and their apologists do.

It's like living under a zero-tolerance policy for non-conforming thought.

So this is why liberal zealotry can't be explained away as confirmation bias. 

I've seen supposedly non-radical members of my own family get up and retreat to their "safe space" or stop talking entirely as soon as I start sounding reasonable on literally ANY topic whatsoever. Including where hands should be placed on the steering wheel.

Should you try to protect your thumbs, in the event that you're in an accident that deploys the airbag, or should you try to protect yourself from getting into a car accident in the first place by keeping your hands properly positioned on the wheel?

A liberal is easily persuaded to protect their thumbs from airbags. It's much harder to convince them they're obviously better off preventing the car accident in the first place.

For example, liberals proposed seat belts in cars. They didn't care whether those seat belts decrease overall safety by promoting a false sense of security. Which they do.

Liberals can be just as averse to basic scientific realities as conservatives. But it's the way they avoid these subjects that differs.

A conservative who doesn't like you may tell you to get the hell out or he'll shoot.

A liberal will simply have the Sheriff do it, so he can pretend he's the more civilized one.

Our society has skewed so far to the left since we started that supporting free speech and other liberal values is now considered a conservative position by the progressives in power and on campus.

The campus progressives are calling science a social construct, teaching students to hate, fear, and rebel against clear-thinking, logical, rational arguments, hateful facts and other such bigotry.

That the guy with his sleeves rolled up, smoking a cigarette over a rusty steel tank of God-knows-what in a pair of rubber boots is actually earning quite a bit more than these cry-bully liberals ever will.

Lately, liberals have been blind-sided by the reality that college isn't the automatic ticket to a comfortable career that it used to be. Instead, universities are cranking out ever more millennial zombie thought police who scare the shit out of liberals and conservatives and employers.

Then they learn about the college bubble. 

Or at least glimpse a headline somewhere.

This scares them even more, given the recency of the real estate bubble that sent dozens of their quirky, opinionated, free-thinking Facebook friends off to God-knows-where doing God-knows-what.

They Don't Want To Admit These Friends Lost Jobs They Still Haven't Gotten Back

They feel guilty about believing Obama's promise to change things. They got all excited and voted him into office, but they never read the fine print.

Orwell never warned us about the the surprising effectiveness of campaigns playing on white guilt. At least, I don't think he did, or someone would have quoted him by now, next to a picture of Obama.

What We Would Have Seen If Orwell had Anticipated Race-Baiting

George Orwell didn't say that race warfare would be the new class warfare. It's hip. It's trendy. All the fish-mouthed commie college zealots are doing it. And punishing those who commit heresy.

You noticed it.

Starting in 2007, people were called racists for criticizing Obama during his original presidential campaign.

The race baiting September 2015 Ahmed clock incident seems to have caught Richard Dawkins by surprise. 

It worked in the short term.

Based on recent conversations with a few mid-income, guilty liberals, no matter how intelligent or capable they seem, no matter how much they excel at small talk, some number of them seem to know they're being led like lambs to the slaughter.

Two reasons: 

  1. Because they keep shutting down and shutting out critical thinkers.
  2. They think if they're good enough true believers, and follow the rules, and apologize, they'll be spared.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place, they try in vain to battle against the cold, hard rock of reality.
Caught between the frying pan and the fire, they're desperately climbing into the comfort of their frying pan whenever someone points to the fire and says, "We really ought to start to do something about all this fire."

(I'm not done mixing metaphors, dammit.)

It will be a bit sad to see them all slaughtered by the almost inevitable financial collapse, but like the partiers in the Masque of the Red Death, believing the horrors of the plague are shut outside their castle walls, they're choosing the dreadful consequences of willful ignorance.

Like anyone else who sets up their protectionist walls, it's not a solution. It's just a patch. Otherwise, Israel wouldn't need any foreign aid. After all, they've got a wall. So did Berlin.

A trendy new way to keep those damn kids off your lawn.
Infected by the brain-sucking virus of free stuff for nothin', it seems the only guilt more powerful than white guilt is the guilt of the person who knowingly goes along when he knows it's wrong.

SOME of these people have to know there's no excuse. They're voting for more of the same anyway. They're riding this plane all the way to the scene of the crash. Why? Because each and every minute, it's the path of least resistance.

Even if we're running out of minutes.

Some zealots resort to intimidation and violence to hide their crimes, or double down and shut down critical thinking entirely, having learned it hurts their brain. Or their feelings. Their narcissistic egos. 

Me? I'm comfortable being Darth Vader. Fuck it. You can make me the bad guy if you want, but show me where I'm wrong. 

I believe certain liberals have been dirtied up by a cheap and obvious con. A dark and dirty con. They have blood on their hands, and they know it. 

Like suspects at the Nuremberg trials, they're pointing fingers of blame at anyone but themselves. At some point along the way, they gave up on morality. They see themselves as Robin Hood to ease their guilt. Meanwhile, they're no more heroic than a jewel thief.

Whoever the evil villain is, it's not them. It can't be. 

They were just following orders. 

Their silence has been bought and paid for, one way or another. And I suspect they know it. Some do.

But their hard work will start paying off, right? By continuing down the wrong path, "Utopia is at hand, right?"

This is the deal with the devil, so to speak.

"Just a little bit longer," as long as nobody looks to closely at the skeletons in their closet, society will collapse before anyone realized their complicity. Or utters it.

Too late. I just did.

In Sweden, people who sucked off the teat of easy government money and social programs by passing off the bill to future generations can't bear to look their 1.5 children in the eye anymore.

So they refuse to have any more children of their own. Why? Because they were smart enough to know their children would be born into tax slavery and grow up to resent being born. Liberals can't bear to face that. And they certainly don't want to pay for the privilege of having even more guilt.
They'd rather enslave them some dumb immigrants instead.

It's true. They just put it in nicer terms. They want "someone to take care of us."

But it's too late for that, too. 

Because it takes a generation before immigrant babies start producing taxable revenues. Meanwhile, it costs at least sixteen years of tax dollars to feed and educate each kid and turn them into a potential taxpayer. 

One who'll be stuck doing an incredibly unpleasant, low-paying, dead-end job under a heavy tax burden with nothing to keep them there but family.

When these immigrant babies grow up, will they resent the circumstances they've been born into? You bet. So the only way to keep them from destroying the whole scam is to impose totalitarian censorship.

Which is why liberals haven't ejected the radical thought police from their ranks.

It's why the establishment is doubling down from every flank. And why almost no liberals including friendly-sounding, reasonable Dave Rubin, who's seen fraternizing with the red-hats, are breaking ranks yet.

He's still not persuaded by Milo Yiannopoulis to vote for Trump, for some unstated reason we haven't cajoled out of him yet.

I'm only naming his name because he's so fresh on my mind, but if pressed, I might be able to mention half a dozen other suspected sympathizers.

People with a greater fear of emptying garbage cans than filling mass graves.

So they pretend the Maoists who work tirelessly to disarm the populace have their best interests in mind. It's why they're so quick to ridicule all the conspiracy theories, rather than to engage them in any serious debate.

They'll graciously debate theists and creationists and flat earthers, and feminists, but not anybody who might actually be onto something and show up armed with compelling or interesting facts.

I'm no engineer, so quite frankly, I don't know whether jet fuel can melt steel beams, or help them get soft enough to bend or buckle, but it how hard would it to test? Not too hard. Thunderf00t does these sorts of projects all the time. And the answer is very likely exist on a data table somewhere.

Why are liberals so unwilling to touch it?

I'm not afraid of the answer. Neither result would change my mind about the nature of governments. Then again, I can see why people who KNOW they produce no real value to the marketplace would be afraid of an uprising that led to a free market in which they'd be at the bottom.

But that's just my current thinking on the matter.

Instead of waiting for the revolution to show up on their doorstep, they're desperately trying to keep the nationwide game of musical chairs going for another year. Each solution more jerry-rigged and grotesque and unforgivable than the last.

And guillotines meant for them can't be all that hard to mass-manufacture when people wake up and understand the rules of the game they've been playing. 

Some people won't be bought or intimidated.

And if you run out of places to stash their bodies, you're really in trouble. It's all conjecture, sure. But it's the way I leaned to think many years ago. Seeing things from someone else's point of view is supposed to be a virtue.

But it also helps you catch serial killers. Why? Because it means you'll know where to look for them. How to get them to show up where you want them.

I might not have mentioned it, but some of you liberals still haven't realized...

Immigration Won't Work

A massive, rapid influx of migrants who don't share Western values, haven't integrated into society, might not even know the language, and collect a check and benefits instead of generating tax revenue.

Unless you're planning on bringing back child labor, which might actually happen under progressive rule, you won't produce a workforce in time to catch the economy before it collapses into a worldwide Depression, each country falling like dominoes.

When immigrants do work, it's more often that they sell illegal drugs to the locals on the Black Market.

They're earning under-the-table income that's not reported, not taxed, and there aren't enough police to stop them.

The best-educated people must have had this figured out decades ago. The whole time I've been growing up, learning to work hard, to produce more, to live with integrity and treat people well, liberals have been living off the sweat and blood of people who do real work, and we're glad to have a job to do. Smart enough to be able to do it, and on average, earning more than the folks who don't.

Which puts us in a higher tax bracket, of course.  Money to feed the welfare babies, which puts more and more voters into the pockets of increasingly regressive, state-aggrandizing politicians. You liberals know damn well we haven't been too happy about it.

Real Work: Any job which produces an actual, realized, quantifiable benefit to another human being of equal or greater value than the cost of employing them.

A liberal's whole job is to scam the people who produce things of real value while they and their friends sell useless snake oil products and services to the working class. They pay lip service to free speech while holding a dagger in our backs.
Because the only free speech they're interested in is the speech that agrees with them.

You've come for our guns, schools, speech, families, candidates, political parties, and policies, and seized most of those things in record time. We're only barely allowed to teach our children that we're tax slaves.

Because to a liberal, a conservative's child is the property of the state. It's why daddies can't be permitted to grow up with their kids anymore.

And if they do, they can't be permitted to disagree with moms. (Women are more likely to vote Democrat, regardless of age.)

For an ever-larger percentage of the next generation, joining the con artist aristocracy is their life's ambition. They'll even take less pay, as long as they don't have to do any "real work" in their lives. Or be on the "wrong side" of history.

People seem to be feeling guilty they've been caught in an obvious monkey trap. Buying more shoes. More vacations. Buying their way out of a dirty, dangerous job by setting someone else's families on fire. (Such things happen in times of war.)

Source: palmtalk.org

Fiercely defending the supposed moral superiority of any amount of cruelty with one fist still stuck into the hole of a monkey trap. 

Closing their eyes and tucking their head in the sand while all the other monkeys get bashed on the head. Just waiting their turn in line.

Happy they've been given the chance to step over bodies for a living, counting up the corpses instead of being one.

Our people-farming system is known to be virtually unsustainable. 

The chickens can try as they might to wiggle away from the facts, but sooner or later they'll face the axe.


2 weeks later:

Not only do I agree with the assessment that we're shoving the leftists over a cliff, but the leftists sense we're were winning. And in the pro-conspiracy column, people have started to die in politically useful, financially lucrative ways.

The polling numbers for the Brexit vote and Trump looked favorable for the common working man. Then Orlando and Jo Cox happened, and Congress started pushing for its big, bi-partisan gun grab.

This was followed by the largest mass shooting massacre in recent American history, the conveniently-timed death of Jo Cox, with a "Britain First" false narrative about the shooter, the reversal of support for #VoteLeave in the Brexit vote, and a sudden surge in globalist stock prices.

If that's true, where are the citations? In this post. If interested, check my sources. Prove me wrong.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Remember When We Used To Arrest Criminals?

Whitey Bulger US Marshals Service Mug1.jpg
Irish-American mobster Whitey Bulger, long protected by the FBI was eventually charged with 19 murders

Crazy's one of the things they call you when they can't argue that you're right.

"Stupid, full of shit, or fuckin' nuts." - George Carlin, on dismissing people you disagree with.

Yep. I suppose to the uninformed, my conclusions would sound crazy. 

If you haven't seen Farkhunda Malikzada, a 27-year-old Mulsim woman in central Kabul, [spoilers] stomped to death on video and then set on fire within a matter of minutes when falsely accused of burning pages of the Koran while several the armed police tried in vain to protect her from the crowd (as reported by the New York Times Dec. 26, 2015),
The difference between a soldier and a criminal is the costume he's wearing.
Or haven't heard how Tommy Robinson had his teeth punched out in jail, and spent 22 weeks in solitary, in violation of international law because the police went digging for a reason to arrest him when he led protests to raise awareness about his friend being murdered, as he recently told Sargon of Akkad recently,

And about the 1,400 girls in the Rotheram sex abuse scandal who were abused, raped, or sold into sex slavery, leading to 5 men being convicted. Just five men. Parents who tried to rescue their children were arrested. Police dismissed the rape of children by saying they'd been consensual.

If you haven't heard from Anni Cyrus, who was angry about being raped and her bones broken from the age of 13, recently telling Stephen Crowder that mosques are actually Sharia courts enforcing Sharia Law.

UPDATE: France likely to close more than 100 mosques.

That Luton, U.K. has gone from 1 mosque to about 30 since 2001, according to Tommy Robinson.

that the issuance of insurance numbers reveals 3 to 5 times higher immigration numbers than what's been officially reported in the UK...
National Insurance registrations. Nigel Farage calls it a cover-up.

And don't know about the New Year's Eve sexual assaults (Taharrush Gamea: The "rape game") in Colgne, Germany,

If you don't know that the United States is the 4th highest source of tweets in support of ISIS, with Saudia Arabia being #1...

Then of course you won't know what I'm talking about. You sure as hell don't know what you're talking about.

"And those who seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."

We're just crazy, stupid, or full of shit: How to dismiss arguments by ignoring them. It's what willfully ignorant people do.

And I haven't even mentioned the media whitewashing of the recent Orlando mass shooting and subsequent 15-hour congressional filibuster to disarm the populace, (but only people on a watch list, even though anybody can be added to the list and thus disarmed without due process of law), or how politicians have tried to spin the the Jo Cox murder to fit their made-up narrative about racist radicals, to prevent the UK from splitting from the EU.

The Orlando shooting and murder of Jo Cox were bad for freedom. Good for global stocks and in the U.S., stricter gun laws. Even though both shootings happened in places where guns weren't allowed.

You can draw your own conclusion. It's your life on the line.

But you can't defend your ego by claiming your ignorance is better than my knowledge. (To borrow from Isaac Asimov.)

It's easy to forget how rapidly things can change, but this wouldn't be the first time it's happened in history.

We may be living living in times which call for drastic measures.
  • Like marching in the streets. 
  • Like actually opening up a history book. Not just pretending you do.
  • Like holding dishonest journalists and news organizations accountable for hiding these facts from the public for so long. 
  • Like holding the police accountable for discriminating in favor of protected groups in enforcing laws and digging for trumped-up charges to harass and punish critics
  • Like lawsuits against prison guards and warden for their abuses. For something that sounds like the attempted manslaughter of Tommy Robinson. 
  • Like voting for candidates who put their own people first. Instead of selling out.
  • Like voting out the incumbent politicians who are fighting against their own countries. Some would call them traitors. I don't know.
  • Like supporting people who are taking tremendous risks to protect us. To find out what's going on. To report what they know.
It may not be enough.

We may still be too late. 

The Trojan Horse is already through the gates, and the traitors who brought it tell you to admire the horse. Ignore the soldiers pouring out. We've seen it happen in Norway, Sweden, Canada, Great Britain.

Drastic measures were needed in Norway. It deported 71,000 Islamic radicals.

Yes, the country where Anders Breivik had killed 77 progressive liberal students. You can imagine this sent a chill through the left in Norway. And around the world.

The result? Crime in Norway dropped by more than 30% within a year.

Normally, such a despicable, hateful crime like killing innocent children would make Anders Breivik universally hated. Not universally. Every day, someone else wonders "Was he right? Was he a hero?"

How many Norwegian lives are saved by a 30% drop in crime? By a reversal in the immigration trend? In Norway, not enough. Not yet. But now every Western country will see what Norway had the will to do, and what the results were.

They'll see a man who's far from universally villified. By some, he's adored. He's gotten 150 letters from a Swedish woman. It's called hybrisotphelia. The female attraction to violence.
Mandela image and bio
From militant criminal to enduring, visionary activist icon.

It's not all fun and games. From prison, where he's writing books, Breivik's had to sue to get an upgrade to his Playstation and privileges. And his 21-year prison sentence can be extended if he's considered a danger to society. By which time,

Norwegians may be throwing him a parade and treating him like Nelson Mandela.

My opinion and conclusions may sound extreme to you, but they're informed by these under-reported facts. Mandela had an exceptionally violent, terrorist past, for example.

He was sort of the Michael Collins of South Africa. Pleading guilty to 156 acts of public violence, including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, killing innocent people.

They Made Him the First Black President of South Africa.

Most people wouldn't have predicted such a thing was possible. Particularly if they hadn't studied their history.

It's not possible for anyone to know all the facts. Or even to know someone's mind.

Our friends can still surprise us after we've known them for years. But it's possible to understand the human heart. And their heart is what moves them. Emotions drive people. Countries of made of those people. Not so different from you and me.

But under a system of waiting until everyone else has accepted things, you're always lagging behind.

Once everyone knows something, there's hardly any point in knowing it.

Don't deny it until it's on your doorstep. There are thousands of recent rapes and murders across Europe. Plenty of evidence is available. Anyone can Google it.

You can bury your head in the sand.  While fathers and mothers bury their children. Grandparents are already marching in the streets. They're called racists.

If the media hates someone, they might be a friend. If the media likes someone, they might be your enemy. Once you've started pulling the threads... Once you see its almost nothing but lies, the only thing you'll know for sure is the establishment media is your enemy.

That unfortunately includes social media and search engines.

People and stories you see one day might go missing the next.

being absurdly dismissed in the press as a sudden wave of ignorant racists and bigots.

Maybe they're not acting out of ignorance, but knowledge. Maybe they've seen that the police, the press, the public has been hiding and covering up these crimes to minimize them.

Meaning logically, the situation may already be much worse than anyone knows.

1 + 1 = 2

If the crimes are already worse than you thought, and you know the masses of people are still hiding these crimes for fear of being called racists, then it stands to reason that things are still worse than I've described.

It's the logical, if uncomfortable conclusion, once you look into it for yourself.

Why It's Not Your Fault

These conclusions are based on information you probably have no access to. Each story I've linked you to explains the very good reasons why they didn't want you to know.

Even your educated, liberal friends want you to ignore the dangers, even when it puts your life and family at risk. Them, too.

Even when the little-known facts lead you to unpopular conclusions.

So I don't mind if we feel very differently about things.

You might feel differently about freedom of speech than I do right now. My view is there's a time and a place.

Ask your questions at the Q&A. Don't interrupt the speaker.
Let men have their groups just as women have theirs.

A church used to be a place where a man's voice could be heard. His logic and reason and the basis of his thoughts considered in peace and quiet. His wisdom fully articulated without interruptions, interference.

If you doubt the power of this, or the need for men's voices, watch Kevin Costner's powerful eulogy for Whitney Houston here.

You might feel differently than I do about working within the system of trying to vote your way out of these problems.

Free speech is an imperfect ideal. Democracy is vulnerable to demagogues and the press. You're forever trying to persuade people who have no time or interest in reading. Many of them CAN'T.

Today's Problems Are Caused By Voters And Persuaders Who Believe What They Read.

Nothing I've written is to be taken at face value, but investigated for yourself.

Reading the daily newspaper and then taking your supposedly informed opinion to the polling booth has created massive problems. It's handed ever more power to the powerful.

So far, our corrupt system has thwarted almost every non-violent attempt to overthrow it.

In a lot of key places, we're losing ground faster than we're gaining it. If the Americans lose the Supreme Court, we've lost the republic.

At the moment, you could argue there are more dangerous things to worry about. Like high cholesterol. Auto accidents. But we're talking about the growth of an exponential problem that's already grown 30-fold since 2001.

The Islamization of the West is only a symptom of a feminized government. A gynocracy. A welfare state with open borders.

The infantile and uninformed welcome barbarian thugs as if they're wayward childen.

This is the cancerous growth of corruption and its effects, ravaging and killing Western society.

Being polite is killing the society we built to protect and defend our daughters and sons.

The new Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan's attempts to stamp out police discrimination may seem stupid to you. Or they may sound reasonable. But when seen in the context of current events, the progressive agenda he's pushing is foolish at best, and disastrous at worst.

That's not insanity. It's my current way of thinking based on what I know so far. Prove me wrong if you can. I'd be delighted to have gotten this wrong. Because if I'm right, it means whole nations are bleeding to death from the cancer of correctness.

Not just financially. Not just metaphorically. Our nations are bleeding out.

Look at what's happening in Sweden, in Germany, and in oppressed countries currently exporting their oppression across Europe.

A country can change very quickly. Look at what happened in communist countries. Look at the fall of Venezuela versus the prosperity in Chile.

These are the dangers of waiting for all the facts to be in. 

In Rotheram, everyone in the neighborhood knew the Pakistanis were big trouble. But the people in authority wouldn't listen. Arresting Pakistani criminals could be seen as discrimination. Never mind how many people these criminals can harm when they become a protected class.

Something similar happened in Boston, when Whitey Bulger, an Irish-American was protected by the FBI for years, while he committed (or was charged with) 19 murders that we know of. That's one criminal. Imagine protecting "The Irish" for fear of discrimination, and had an Irish mayor trying to "stamp out discrimination" in the police while thousands of girls were sold into sex slavery and raped by an Irish mob.

These clueless masses have absolutely no idea what "multiculturalism" has in store for them. In times like these, do you trust these kinds of women to decide how to best run our governments? Our churches? Our families? Our universities? Our lives? Should they be allowed to decide what we can say and think?
People in Boston knew what was going on, but they were afraid of him. He's protected. You could talk about Bulger, but you're risking everything. And people said they'd been silent for decades for that reason.

"Enemy of The State" Tommy Robinson, EDL

When Tommy Robinson and the EDL rose up BEFORE the all facts were in, people thought he was a racist hooligan. He was smeared in the papers.

But he wasn't responding to some nationalist agenda, like the media claimed. Before the feminist progressive press called him a nationalist, he couldn't even tell you what it was.

He was just trying to protect his neighborhood, (including the Pakistani Muslim friends he has on speed dial) from a few gangs.

And he quickly found out there were more and more people in these gangs. The police seemed to be on the same side as the gangs. Police were attacked by these Salafist gangs and weren't arrested.

The police didn't want to be called racists.

Just as German rape victims didn't want to be called racists. And didn't want to contribute to hatred against migrants. So didn't even give police the correct description of their attacker.

"I am so unbelievably sorry for both of us.http://www.thomaswictor.com/innocent-stupid-miserably-unhappy/" - From a German socialist gang rape victim's letter to her attackers.

Thanks to some investigative reporting, it finally came out that 1,400 girls had being raped, abused, sold into sex slavery for more than 10 years before the rest of the world found out about it.

[As a point of comparison, 1 in 2,000 Americans reported to the NCVS having been raped in in 2003.]

This exposed corruption in the press, the police, and for me, it exposed the willful ignorance of the supposedly educated, informed middle class.

To the lower classes who lived in the same neighborhoods, Pakistani salafists (Sunni Muslims/fundamentalists) were obviously dangerous. They weren't like other Muslims. Not loike other Pakistanis.

Salafists weren't even like other Arab Muslims from Pakistan.

Tommy Robinson was still dismissed as a racist. He met a white man who wouldn't shake his hand.

So he called up a Muslim friend from Pakistan on his phone. Someone he'd known since childhood, asked him to say where he's from. Then Tommy said, "Now you do that." Of course he couldn't do that.

He believes what he reads. Has no real-world knowledge or experience. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

If you haven't lived with immigrants, you can shut the hell up.

I grew up around immigrants. Refugees from bombed-out Cambodia. Sociopathic mass-murdering children from the Khmer Rouge, I'd figure out. Decades later.

I've looked them in the eye. Have you?

It's not all peaches and cream. From the time I was tiny, I had to run. Because there was no chance I could fight for my life against people who'd been fighting all their lives.

If you grew up in those neighborhoods, you didn't have to wait until you had all the details about the Rotheram scandal. You knew the rumors. You knew the police didn't listen. Didn't care. Protected the wrong people.

If you were rich enough or curious enough, you could have read the Koran yourself. You'd know that encouraging a literal interpretation is a really bad idea.

You didn't have to wait until Islam reached Europe. You could look at the foreign coverage to see the stonings, beheadings. It's all out there. It's not hiding from you.

If you don't know what's going on, you're the one that's hiding.

If you haven't heard about Rotheram, and don't know that the mosques are Sharia courts, and don't know how the police in Western countries are actively protecting them, actively silencing critics by throwing them in jail, by cutting off their income, trying to get protesters killed by putting them in jail cells with the most dangerous offenders and murderers, then I don't think you know what you're talking about.

So I'm going to have to assume you're projecting when you call me the crazy one.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Internet Aristocrat Reportedly Passed Away (Update: Even though he didn't.)

"I swear I'm really gonna pull that trigger."

[June 21 Update Below]

Jim, who went by Internet Aristocrat and more recently Mister Metokur, has been reported missing from the internet for the past 16 days and reported dead 5 hours ago.

This news comes about a year after his serious health struggles, lasting 9 months. He was also the victim of an acid attack from SJW and BLM.
"I swear I'm really gonna pull that trigger."
His Steam profile says, "Glad I could help."

For realz, tho? Who the hell knows?

So in lieu of a eulogy, (which is entirely too many EUs in a row) I considered him to be the historian of GamerGate, more than anything else. And in my experience, there's absolutely nobody who can fill his shoes. He was smart enough to remind you that he's not.

Most people never make it that far.

I'm going through the stages of grief as I type this for you. I don't know anything about the circumstances of his death. Is it faked? Real?

The 5 Stages of Grief
See that? I'm still in denial. Cracking jokes. I'm even headed toward being a little angry, and fishing for someone to blame, whether or not it amounts to anything. So take this with a grain of salt, because this will sound a little crazy but...

If he faked his death, was it to hide from the Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, who own more of Twitter than Jack Dorsey?

Wouldn't you?

The connection may not be quite as far-fetched as it sounds. By opposing progressives and exposing their stupidity, he heroically stood in the way of a subversive, anti-western agenda coming from an establishment which has consistently campaigned against some of our most important freedoms.

Why would the progressives have something against Jim?

Was it because he once talked shit about Stephen Hawking, who appears to have responded to his Space Jews stream by saying "The internet is dangerous" and "I'm told that children who need a computer voice want one like mine." on a Al Jezeera Plus internet video?

Did Hawking reply to the legendary "Space Jews" livestream?

In this stream, simply called "Lazy Saturday Drunk Stream" Internet Aristocrat says he couldn't debate Stephen Hawking. It would be like debating a speak-and-spell.

(The Archived Livesteam is Dated November 14, 2014.)

A couple weeks later, on December 4th, on AJ+ (Al Jezeera plus, whose "plus" should remind you of Atheism plus, given that it appears to push the same sort of progressive agenda as Atheism plus), Hawking said the following about the danger of coning computer intelligence:

"We're limited by slow biological evolution. We couldn't compete and would be superseded."

This may be the video's biggest clue Hawking might actually be responding to the Lazy Saturday Drunk "Space Jew" Stream, in which his voice was compared to a Speak And Spell.

And the danger of super-intelligence and internet terrorists. Considering he's saying it on AJ+, he could mean ISIS or even #GamerGate.

In addition to terrorism, Hawking addressed one of the 2 sources of intelligence which could pose a threat to humanity. Tellingly, Hawking addressed only the terrestrial danger.

Imagine a superior alien intelligence defeating mankind for our resources. The #MGTOW call this terrestrial superior intelligence...


But if we're talking about "superior aliens" (a vastly technologically superior intelligence), there's no competing beings who've traveled at super-light speeds across intergalactic space.

Jews in space, from some Mel Brooks film
And believe it or not, this is the conventional view Jim (Internet Aristocrat) ridiculed.

In this extra-terrestrial scenario, Jim equated humans with the Jews, comparing aliens to Nazis trying to eliminate us.

It could be that 18 months ago, Jim correctly predicted his own destruction by technologically superior forces.

But what if we are that technologically superior intelligence?

What if Stephen Hawking fears us?

On our own, we're no match for the world's undisputed Speak-And-Spell champion. But collectively, with each of us producing content according to his ability, and each of us consuming internet content according to his need, we have created a kind of communist utopia of thought.

It's the Marxistplace of ideas.

How Can The Internet Compete With Such Technology?

And in such a thought revolution... a rebellion against the intellectual authorities, we're ruled by something Ray Bradbury called the "tyranny of the majority" in his Fahrenheit 451. The upper classes are always outnumbered by the rabble.

Society's most productive, intellectually elite have more in common with each other, and a lot less in common with the commoners.

So they automatically have something to fear from the common man, and find it's in their interest to band together, being that very few elites will bother to RTFM.

And it's perceived they're taking more than "their share", no matter how well deserved their earnings may be.

One never knows if they'll be demonized or deified for giving people exactly what they wanted, and using the profits as leverage to survive, keep science going, fund research and development, and of course, unfairly crush competitors by government force if necessary.

Which is what the EU is about, with all its crazy regulations. Pushing incomprehensible regulations to crush competition.

But "the people" are hot on their tail. And that tail's gotten hotter than ever with ubiquitous cameras and live-streaming journalism, it's gotten to be damn near impossible to stop the word from getting out to thousands of...

The disgusting, vile, shitlord rabble like you and me.

Many of the Brits will are beginning to see through the propagandists' evil, heathen lies just as the Americans have.

I suspect Britain will leave the European Union. Peacefully, if possible. Forcefully if necessary, and that Trump could actually be elected and/or predictably assassinated, potentially leading to another American revolutionary war.

And some will position themselves to benefit either way it goes, by doing things like reporting the facts and analysis without necessarily taking sides to push in either direction.

But Jim did appear to take sides against King of Pol's more conventional sperging view that the aliens would "want our resources" and it would be pointless to destroy the humans.

True enough. If it's aliens. But only for one reason. If aliens wanted resources, why would they go someplace with intelligent life just to destroy it?

They might just want to eliminate stupid societies.

What else exists on Earth that you can't get somewhere else?
From an alien's point of view, the only thing Earth has to offer that's rare in the universe is our supreme levels of stupidity.

But maybe that's what they're counting on.

Retards make quite profitable slaves. Particularly when they refuse to wake up to the fact that giving half their paycheck to an entity that dictates their every thought and action through the tightly-connected complex of press, public companies, financial systems and governments... and a monopoly on institutional education... constitutes enslavement.

It's no different than a company town, just on a larger scale. A national, continental, or global scale. To keep control, you want to keep the labor from organizing against you, forming companies to compete with you, etc.

But in the case of a terrestrial super-intelligence or intellectual collective, we don't need to travel halfway around the world.

The booming wage slave business the resource to get. The product of your labor and thought is the only thing worth having, because it opens up access to the world's resources for you.  Suppress organization, divide and conquer, and you're all set.

So if they can get you to believe I'm a racist or misogynist or otherwise make the good guys look like bad guys, then they've succeeded in dividing you from me. And lots of other helpful people who aren't racists. They're people who know how to read data tables. And keep your family safe by preventing crime.

It's much cheaper to stop crimes before they happen.

But sometimes, that means looking at facts you'll disagree with. Written by people who are falsely accused of being evil bigoted monsters who hate freedom, or some such nonsense.

People who profit from crime don't want you questioning these kinds of things. Especially when it makes them look like the bad guy.

But they are the bad guy. And they're abusers. And bullies.

In order to get away with their abuse, bullies love to accuse their victims of being the bad guy. It's got to be their favorite tactic. When that doesn't work, they may switch from character assassination to actual assassination.

In places like Sweden, it's been illegal to criticize immigration since 2014. On Facebook, criticizing immigration or Facebook's censorship of opinions about immigration can get you banned for 30 days.

If you're an industrialist who can get clueless, essentially idiot immigrants from places with an average IQ in the 80s (see p. 26) who are already used to (and pushing for) authoritarian, even totalitarian states, they won't mind too much that they'll soon be replaced by robots, according to CGP Grey.

Because they'll have no idea it's coming.

Simpletons believe in black-and-white. Good and evil. (i.e. Obama good. Trump evil.)

But smarter folks might balk at the idea of their children being recycled into Soylent Green or something in five or ten year's time when computer-driven cars are already outperforming human drivers, in terms of safety. Although that claim is contested by some.

So Stephen Hawking might not like where the conversation is headed. He benefits from framing the conversation in terms of the dangers of the internet, who seeks to frighten us with terror facts or hate facts or recruiting your kids to join ISIS.

Populists like Internet Aristocrat benefit from framing the debate in terms of extra-terrestrial intelligence, who only crosses the vastness of intergalactic space to wipe out the stupid people, since stupidity is the only resource unique to Earth and not readily available somewhere else.

And the pseudo-intellectual college idiots are hamstrung by their expensive education, regurgitating statist viewpoints they still haven't purged from their systems.  So Jim ridiculed Pol by making him look like a rambling idiot, going on for twenty minutes about "Space Jews" and accusing Pol of bringing it up.

All of which was hilarious and instructive.

Jim demonstrated exactly how easily idiots can be discredited with sophistry, lies and ridicule, running circles around someone who's steeped in facts and nothing else. It's like engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

Or at least that's my interpretation.

On hearing this, Stephen Hawking may have freaked right out. 

Especially when Jim criticized his speak-and-spell voice and refused to debate him.

Two weeks later on Al Jazeera Plus, owned by Qatar's (think pro-oil, pro-Sharia, anti-free-speech, anti-gay) Al Jazeera Media Network, Hawking talks about his voice:  "It has become my trademark, and I wouldn't change it for a more natural voice with a British accent."

But Hawking always talks about the danger of the Internet and the way his voice sounds, right? Probably not quite as often as you'd think.

Earlier sections of the stream featured impressions of the British Sargon of Akkad, who's voice has become a legendary among anti-progressives. And then Sargon himself showed up in person to hang out, if that gives you any idea of Jim's stature among people who know what's going on.

Hawking has since called Brexit a disaster for science, if that tells you what side of the fence he's on. And I can't blame him. People who rely on government money for survival are in a very vulnerable position.

Particularly if the general public realized they're essentially traitors to humanity.

To see why it might be a good idea to get rid of these kinds of feeble gimps before they turn into traitors, see the movie 300, in which the Spartans pay the cost of showing a little too much mercy. 

There's a reason people seem to be born hard-wired to avoid ugliness. A twisted face may in fact hide a twisted mind. Or I may have the causality reversed.

Two years ago, and again 3 months ago, I suspect Hawking correctly identified that an anti-establishment revolt would threaten him personally. And +Thunderf00t appears to agree with him on this point.

In other words, the Internet had become dangerous to him. Specifically, it had become dangerous to him because of people like Jim, and the things Jim was saying.

Exposing corruption in games journalism that Milo Yiannopoulis and others then popularized extremely well.

If you save civilization by abandoning the sinking ship of the EU, but lose the best-established scientists in the process, then you done fucked up. Thunderf00t appeared willing to debate Sargon of Akkad, but hinted that he didn't know if there would be time to discuss it before the vote.

Internet Aristocrat disappeared shortly before Bilderberg Conference and shortly before the Brexit vote. I was looking for his coverage and as-it-happens livestream insights as Lauren Southern was surrounded, and felt woefully inadequate to do the same job in a timely fashion.

And I am. I'm told 4,000 people watched live. All of them in a better position than I was to connect the dots.

A very important voice for the people had been removed from the global conversation.

Rebel TV Reporter Lauren Southern re-appeared after going silent for 30+ hours in the police state of Dresden, Germany

Almost nobody noticed, it seems. Which happens. Even to people you can't let yourself believe it could happen to.

You should know #GamerGate, the popular uprising against corruption and ethics violations in games journalism, has been unfairly, very publicly accused of being linked to terrorism by sites like Salon.com.

And in the public mind, (at least anyone who trusts mainstream media anymore) those who disagree with the progressive narrative are falsely accused of being a racist, misogynist, basement-dwelling neckbeard, and possibly a terrorist by people who are inarguably demonstrating that they are racist, misogynist, basement-dwelling neckbeards who promote terrorism.

In the 1980s, we were warned by Yuri Bezmenov that the Russians would try to capture the United States by corrupting it from within. There's reason to believe those efforts were underway during the Cold War.

Russia identified that the United States was one of the countries vulnerable to subversion, unlike Japan, because of its laws protecting free speech, for example.

Now that Russia isn't quite what it used to be, much of the same sort of political corruption can be driven by oil-rich countries rather than nuclear superpowers.

Russians aren't the only ones who have an interest in subversion. American politicians have done very little about our dependence on foreign oil.

Lately, there's been a rush. Why? I think it has something to do with continental fracking making oil prices drop. Gas at the pump is cheap nowadays. While we celebrate, the Saudis are understandably going to be freaking out. Wouldn't you?

Their economy depends upon their only meaningful export.

Possibly making weird shit happen in the U.S. to try to destabilize it and/or disarm the populace.

To take our guns, they'd need to shut up the opposition by controlling the media and shutting down the online channels. If you controlled Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, and could censor them, there'd be no major way to spread news quickly, no matter how bad the news was.

If you controlled the independent news media, you could hold meetings in secret that almost nobody knows about and plan things like multi-cultural integration.

So anyway, Jim's dead.

Or so I hear.

He reportedly passed away on June 6th.  This video, memorializing him, was uploaded on May 24th.

May 24th? That's before the...  Oh, damn you Poe's Law!

Social Media: Designed to Make It Non-Obvious When People Important To You Disappear. Thanks, Technologists.

Why Lauren Southern May [UPDATE: Could Have] Faced Up To 3 Years Under Wiretapping Laws In Dresden, Germany

When The Cops Are Looking To Arrest You On Trumped-up Charges, Any Little Violation Will Do

UPDATE: Lauren Southern showed up again. Obviously.

I've been wrong before, but my sleuthing has picked up some signs that Lauren Southern may be facing up to 3 years in a German prison. Which doesn't mean she's going to prison, necessarily. It just means they have some serious legal leverage to get her agree to apologize, stop reporting on Bilderberg, or to agree not return to Germany. I'll tell you why I think so.

Lauren Southern And other independent media being constantly monitored by cops.
Photo courtesy of +Luke Rudkowski @LukeWeAreChange

Southern appears to have been in a German railway station called Bahnhof Dresden-Neustadt around lunchtime, being allowed to finish one last slice of pizza before the police, one of them armed with automatic rifle, sprung the trap.

Probably leaving for France anyway when she stopped transmitting to social media. If so, it was the German government's last chance to nail her. 

And Lauren's Last Chance to Nail The German Cop

Building Identified as Lauren Southern's last known location may be her point of departure for France, Belgium, and London

Since she spent a few days documenting the Bilderberg Conference and pretty much making Dresden, Germany look like the totalitarian state of North Korea, (which is only true during the conference, I'm sure), the judge may impose something even more draconian.

Looking at it from the German government's point of view, it's bad enough to have a popular blonde reporting from the undeniably important Bilderberg conference at all. 

But it's substantially worse when that popular blonde sounds so damn reasonable and insists on sticking to facts she can substantiate, rather than relying on easily-dismissed conjecture, embellishment, or departing from them to fill in the gaps in the story.

Which admittedly, I'm doing in this article. 

Some of they guys who report for InfoWars and Press For Truth have been known to embellish on occasion, such as using the word "arrest" when a police officer actually said "detain". [Timecode 26:14]

Or asking leading questions like saying "anti-fascist is another name for leftist" and adding details (such as protesters being paid) which don't appear in a Google-translated version of this German article:

These are some of the reasons I suspect her stubborn insistence on objectivity and upcoming itinerary as a member of the independent press (not, to my knowledge, owned or controlled by advertising or parent companies) potentially could make her the world's most important political news reporter (if you're a populist) or public enemy number one (if you're a anti-Brexit pro-globalist).

And many of the reporters you trust every night to deliver fair, objective reporting on the evening news, in your newspapers.

listening to her favorite philosophy show every morning, and being a conservative, Lauren appears to have demonstrated a moral objection to speculating when almost anybody else would, even dressing up her hedgehog in a tinfoil to poke fun at those who assume they've been shadowbanned by Twitter.

And when Facebook deleted her post, she gathered the evidence rather than engaging in speculation.

And it's why I could be wrong. Lots of likely things could have happened. A dead battery, lost charger, a broken or confiscated phone, and then hopping onto a slow train to France, unable to fix the technical difficulty.

And those things would make a lot of sense.  If she weren't traveling with her camera-shy cameraman and a computer. According to her Snapchat (LaurenCherie) and Dan Dicks' livestreams that's what she's doing.

Video Shows Lauren Is Traveling With Her Phone, Laptop Computer, And A Rebel TV Cameraman
If you're a Dresden Polizei riding a reporter's ass at the Bilderberg Konferenz, and looking to score big points with your chain of command, how could you make a legal arrest?
You could scare the reporter into violating wiretapping laws, for example. After all, reporters have to obey the law, just like cops do. Well, they're supposed to, anyway. And if you can snag someone on a Friday afternoon or Saturday, they may have to wait all weekend to get arraigned.

Reporters gonna report, amirite?  So the idea that you might pressure someone into snapping a naughty video when they're technically not supposed to isn't too far-fetched. Especially if that's what you do for a living. If your perp is a few feet away from a public space, then she's technically not in a public space, which makes any covert recordings illegal.

Why does does it matter if it's public? Because German wire tapping laws, like some U.S. states, appear to forbid secret recordings without the other person's knowledge and consent. Particularly recording the words spoken by someone else without their knowledge.

Another reason to be especially careful to obey the letter of the law in Dresden is that within the state of Saxony alone (in what was East Germany) there are still 4,100 former Stasi still working in the civil service and police force, even 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, according to the Financial Times Deutschland.

Even now, 10% of police in neighboring Brandenburg are former Stasi

And "judges who spied for the Stasi embedded in the German legal system." Under Soviet occupation, these police were legendary for their use of psychological tactics, including making very credible-sounding threats, lengthy detainment,

If you're in a public space, as long as it's otherwise legal, you can record pretty much any conversation you want because there's no expectation of privacy.

It's why police are understandably very careful what they say and how and where they say it, particularly when they may be on a livestream being watched by 2,500 people or so.

Such as 15 hours ago when Dan Dicks was stopped for his 7th identification check and then threatened with detainment (Timecode 26:14) if he's seen within 100 meters of the Hotel. (About the length of a football field.) 

If one of these cops wanted to speak to you alone, you'd want to record it, too.

Lauren's a particularly reasonable-sounding woman, unlike some. As a reporter for Canada's Rebel TV, her ability to thinks quickly on her feet is legendary, she knows the rules, even when challenged, and it's safe to say she's one of the top 3 conservative reporters in Canada.

And now, there's a decent chance she's the best reporter in a Dresden jail cell.

And if so, it's worth it. Imagine having the chance to catch a Bilderberg cop pulling you aside and making threats, as Luke Rudkowski reported . He didn't get the alley-way encounter on tape, so we have to take his word for it.

But as a witness in court, I'd guess Luke's story would sound very compelling and relevant to a jury.

Particularly if it's the same police officer.

Normally, people don't press the issue. But if it's a cop looking to nail you on something good, wiretapping will do.

Punishable by up to 3 years or a fine:

 Whoever, without authorization:
1. makes an audio recording of the privately spoken words of another; or
2. uses, or makes a recording thus produced accessible to a third party,
shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine
As the police spent days detaining and/or harassing and stalking a dozen or so independent journalists reporting on Bilderberg from Dresden, Germany. Including reportedly threatening journalists in the "secret zone" and or "security zone". Hard to tell with those German accents.
Last known photo, courtesy of Lauren Southern's Facebook Profile
Southern was asked to follow police into a corridor.

I was keeping an especially close eye on Lauren. Because I'm a fan with a crush and some extra time on my hands. 

But not closer than the police. Because dude... That would just be creepy.


I didn't finish this post because it turns out Lauren Southern showed up again while I was writing it.

You know who still hasn't turned up after 16 days? Internet Aristocrat.