Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Who Decides What's Hate Speech?

As Yuri Bezmenov predicted in the 1980s, this conversation would eventually happen. Sometime before the end of civilization as we know it. It seems we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

And you might think I'm joking, or spot the obvious flaw in complaining about the problems with hate speech:

Who decides? Not you. SJWs have perfected the art of hate speech, and defining it, and they're enforcing it with their fists and baseball bats. 

That's our guide. In my controversial view, some of what they've said should be deemed illegal.

And a Black Lives Matter activist said he's "fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go."

A combination of barely legal lies, distortions (legal), emotionally-charged accusations (not a crime) aimed at justifying a violent response. Such as Francesca Ramsay saying that you're free to speak, but not free from the consequences. Offensive speech is deemed a "micro-aggression."

But you can't make LIES illegal, can you? How would politicians get elected?

The idea that by speaking out of turn, someone else "hit you first" is a lie. And it's an indirect way of permitting ordinary, non-psychopathic people to strike first when you say something "offensive." In fact, that's what offensive means. That you've been attacked.

Hence the yelling. The shouting. The threats and violence and murder. Yep. Murder.

A preacher took a baseball bat to the head for wrongthink, and the crowd cheered.


Just for having the wrong opinion. And his opinion doesn't matter. It's not something you'd probably agree with, but it was treated

He had a camera on him. Broad daylight. Surrounded by people. It was no protection against the power of hatred for people saying wrong ideas.

This was attempted murder with a deadly weapon by a 19-year-old girl.

The response was more hate speech, justifying the felony.

If you think it through, the word "offensive", as it's used today, is already intended to provoke these physical attacks, mob justice, and to justify using immoral tactics in self defense.

Nobody ever started a genocide by saying, "Hey, guys. Let's go commit genocide." They did it by de-humanizing the filthy feminist vermin who deserve extermination and rape. See how that works? Technically, not illegal.

I haven't even said "We ought to pass a law to gas X group of people." It's only considered hate when it's aimed at someone you like.

Anyway, the fundamentals of free speech aren't being taught to the masses anymore. Hatred of free speech is being taught instead. Which subverts the core values you'd like to defend.

But instead, the only thing being defended is the WRONG hate speech. By who?

By people like us. You and me. Defenders of freedom and liberty and justice for all.

We're idealists. Not pragmatists. And we're programmed to be that way. Not every country tolerates this bullshit. Not every country is vulnerable to subversion.  The United States is vulnerable BECAUSE of our freedoms.

Subversive tactics aren't illegal where speech is free. You can overthrow a country by pot-stirring, trolling, race-baiting, and never even risk being deported.

As much as I support free speech, you've got to admit it has an Achilles heel there.

These micro-incitements (another word which can be used to justify striking first, admittedly, but for now it's legal) in ideologies, religions, cultures, and movements like social justice transform masses of people into a danger that threatens you as surely as a man with a knife waiting for you in the shadows. (Twisted, emotionally charged metaphor.)

Your family is at the mercy of power social justice people in positions of supreme authority over what you can say and do. If you want to keep your job and have something to eat and a roof over your head, you must obey their social justice laws. (Making you seem meek and them powerful.)

Patrick Henry's "give me liberty or give me death" speech obviously did the trick. It led to people taking up arms before the shackles were on their feet or the noose was around their neck.

Here's something inflammatory enough to stimulate people to speak up, but it's not specifically demonizing a group of people, equating them with a filthy pestilence of cockroaches, or getting anyone killed.

It's provocative, but not hate speech. So far, hate speech has been acted upon only when it's aimed at certain groups. Evalion's channel celebrated Hitler's birthday, for example. She said "I hate x, y, z." But that's quite different than saying "you should hate x, y, z."

It's different than someone using "I don't like Jews" satirically:

From the context of the song, the intent is obviously the opposite of what he's saying. In fact, the context is the whole point of the song.

But Patrick Henry spoke in the context of "We're already in danger. I'm going to fight."

Subversive stuff. And in his case, it led to a prosperous, liberal, relatively free-market democracy. 

So maybe it's not whether you incite violence, but who's the one doing it.

Rise up against the Northern States, and you're evil racist redneck bastards.

Rise up against King George, and you're revolutionaries fighting for freedom.

So far as I know, in the history of revolutions I'm aware of, people have never been able to stop a conquering army by being nicer to them.

But fascists have spent decades drumming up support for less freedoms. More expenses. More subjugation of the most productive people. Technically, Asian men are the most productive in the U.S., but I believe the biggest chunk of the tax revenue comes from highly productive white guys.

And social justice has made it clear that we don't have a place in their new regime, other than as obedient, silent wage slaves. 

But look. If we don't take subversive speech seriously, then we pay the ultimate price of losing the last of our freedoms in the few remaining countries that still have any.

If you don't define what hate speech is, what subversive speech is, what values can be violently defended, as the Declaration of Independence did, and allow people to act in self-defense against these micro-incitements, then you get a whole lot of hair-trigger mobs willing to shoot first and ask questions later. 

Instead of SJWs living in any fear of arrest, incarceration, or sanction, they're free to criticize and hate people, as long as it's the conservative straight white males.

If you criticize, ridicule, mock, or hate anyone else, you are subject to sanctions, violent reprisals, ostracism. 

Just because the thought police don't wear uniforms to silence your speech, doesn't mean they won't beat you to death in a bathroom, as happened to one girl recently, who went to the bathroom to "settle" an issue with a group of girls.

Meaning a conversation had led a group of girls who were willing to kill her. i.e. Whether you like it or not, a 16-year-old girl was murdered for saying something wrong.

But that's not an abridgment of her freedom, right? Because those are the actions of thought policing individuals. Not like a hysterical social justice mob, stirred up by an incitement to violence.

"Remember your motherfucking skin tone"

Which is at least as SJW as "we're trying to make a home here."

There's some been some resistance about getting to the root of the problem. Actually, there's been an insane amount of resistance to that idea.

As if Hitler were about to issue orders to a million of his troops to invade Poland or bomb Britain, but you refused on principle not to intercept it because reasons.

But in today's social justice world, the Nazi soldiers are innocent. And Hitler is innocent. And the idea that anyone is issuing orders to kill is a conspiracy theory.

It has nothing to do with systematic hate campaigns like Tuck Frump, which, at the very least, should have ended with its producers in prison, if not hanged for treason.

(If you look into it, you'll see who's financing these campaigns, who benefits from corrupting the media, installing censorship. It's not a secret.)

The indoctrinated child soldiers, the modern-day thought police act just as pompous and superior as the worst examples of cops, but without any of the self-restraint.
They apparently weren't taught about the consequences of physically assaulting someone.
They're like raging animals who can't be reasoned with and must be chained, caged, incarcerated by the authorities. But there are no authorities who'll do it until after the murders, attempted murders, and assaults. These child soldiers are getting younger all the time, and when it comes to this stuff, they're virtually immune to prosecution.

(And if someone hates you enough to kill you, then I guess they hate you enough to make a false rape claim. Which is what #ListenAndBelieve is really all about, IMO.)

We know for a fact that feminism doesn't care about real rape at all.

Its behavior shows it only cares about silencing your right to criticize the most dangerous, violent, subversive groups of people in the world.

But there are consequences, right?

Nobody was arrested until after the autopsy, but the suspects were suspended from school.

Even though the sa

A video posted on Facebook, of this blonde girl being brutally beaten by black students
Is this video related to Amy Joyner's murder? I don't see how that's possible if the girls were suspended after the fight. And she doesn't look like the girl in the video. And one other thing...

I remember seeing it about a week before Amy's murder. 

It's pretty hard to forget. In other words, this video (which is impossible to keep under wraps) is now being used as an incitement to violence against white girls who are being seen as somehow responsible for the black girl's death.
If so, the person who posted the video is a liar who should probably be in jail for committing the crime of inciting violence against white girls.

But do you believe white people are systematically orchestrating the death of black people? Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. But a theory that's taught in schools by students to students.

But our system of justice apparently doesn't work that way. I can blame anyone I want, spin any narrative I want, and claim that guys like Mark Zuckerberg are behind all the racial hatred aimed aimed at certain groups, but not others.

Oh. And it also leads to months-long riots.

It may not be polite to say that some mentally retarded violent mobs made up of mentally retarded gangsters can't sort out right from wrong when they're infantalized, or that they're already WAY too much for the police to handle, but look at the freeways being shut down.

I've heard two of the three girls in the murder mob who assassinated a girl in a bathroom face up to one year in a comfy "girl jail".

Not like the hard labor and long sentences a man would get, right? Even if, by some miracle, a jury convicts them after they play victim, and even if they get the full sentence, they might be out in 6 months with good behavior.

What if a man had murdered a 16 year old girl in a high school bathroom?

Or even been present?

They say it's a fight over a boy. What would that conversation have been?  I'd imagine it was something like, "He can date who he wants." One student said Amy didn't believe in fighting.

Neither of these are very feminist idea, these days. But it's not a secret that ugly, violent girls hate pretty, peaceful girls. And they're willing to create an ugly, violent society to get what they want.

When they come for you, the tranquilizers won't act fast enough.

But it's no skin off my nose. I just thought you might want to know why your "liberal values" are a weakness that leads to your society's destruction.

One way or another, free speech has an expiration date. Whether you clamp down on it in time, (which you probably won't), or whether you live under the thumb of an Orwellian, oppressive social justice regime (practically inevitable), free speech is going away.

If you didn't speak up in time, and held your tongue out of fear, then free speech was never yours to begin with.

You may have spotted the obvious flaws in what I propose, which is to actually enforce existing laws, and actually arrest violent criminals, but I've spotted the obvious flaw in free speech that subverts our values and turns them upside down.

So there you go. Free speech versus speech-led baseball bat mobs. Let's see who wins.

The clock is ticking.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Start Getting Pedophiles Out Of Positions Of Power

My Response to This:
Obnoxiously offensive ideas to follow. We good? Ok... What I'm responding to:
1) #HowToSpotAPedoCreeper Well you can just tell. You get the vibe. 2) If you creepers act on your creepy vibes, and you might get your head blown off. 3) There probably aren't many pedos out there. 4) Pedos are monsters. Not humans. Here's a picture of a monster who is being blown up in effigy. Maybe you can remind me which kind of mobs and revolutionaries hoisted effigies, and what happened next. If any of that's not an accurate representation of what you say, then please disregard. Harmful... Thanks for contributing to the conversation with your calm, soothing, comforting voice. I'd imagine you've found it to be very disarming in the past. Even makes you seem charming and popular in dealing with people, even as you're expressing opinions which demonize the "bad guys." And as long as you pick a bad guy that everyone agrees is bad, like the Nazis, pedos, or feminists, you're gold. You can use any tactics and you'll be forgiven. Because fuck those antisemites in the ear. Amirite? But not all antisemites are REALLY antisemites, are they? They're just Nazi pedo feminists and/or shitlords falsely accused of whatever sticks. And if people actually believe you, then their career is finished. Of course, to make friends, you have to demonize the bad guys. They're demons! We are the true, pure souls. Not like those poo-flinging monkey sub-human tribalists who (through no fault of their own) are born with the original sin of going along with simplistic, comforting witch-hunts in which the innocent must be burned to serve the interests of a power-seeker.
Even if nobody else's interests are served in the process.

Want to know how to spot a psychopath? Because that's how. They're popular and charming, don't get mad, and don't care who gets hurt. So let's all gather around and demonize the psycho pedo nazi feminists at Salon, rather than thinking things through. Ever. Not once in ten thousand years has someone done anything other than a witch hunt as a shortcut to get ahead in life. It works. Because people are painfully stupid. Most of them. Almost all of them. And the rest are kept in line by the credible fear of violent reprisals. What a game-changer internet anonymity can be. Gather around and hate the haters if you like, but witch hunts are a purely economic business decision. You know who's effective in business? Those really charming, violent psychopaths. They don't get mad. They get even. It's not personal. Just personal destruction. Or professional destruction. Whichever the case may be. Serial killers who killed 50 to 100 women like Ted Bundy? Human. Genocidal tyrants who killed 45 million people? Human. Rapists? Human. Murderers? Human. Animal torturers? Human. Video game zombie killers? Human. Psychopath businessmen? Human. Shockingly enough, they're all people. Just like you and me. Some pedos aren't human. They aren't just pedos, but molesters. They hump little kids. We call these inhuman child humpers by their common name: dogs. It's nothing personal. Dogs hump stuffed animals, other dogs. They feel no shame. But they're still not monsters. They're animals. The FBI is tasked with catching serial killers. One of these FBI guys wrote a book called Manhunter. I found it useful. It said some drove vans. Others drove VW beetles. And some drove cop cars. Cop cars. Why? Because some serial killers are interested in the thrill of getting away with it. So they don't study other killers who've been caught. They study the police who'll try to catch them. Turns out if you can think like a killer, you can catch one. If you can imagine how a molester thinks, you can catch them, too. Like setting a trap, like Chris Hansen. Or finding child pornographers online, like Barry Crimmins did, testifying before Congress and getting America Online to stop covering up for these people. Before that time, it wasn't trendy to care about how many pedophiles there were. IMO, anyone serious about catching pedos, killers, or molesters is throwing everyone off the scent by equating them with monsters. But that's what tribalistic, poo-flinging monkeys do. And as a result of the moralizing and virtue-signaling (often as a way of shutting down the conversation, says Crimmins) The cycle of abuse continues. But I see you've given this more thought than I have. A lot more. And not necessarily in a "perhaps he doth protest too much" kind of way. As promised... The way to spot a pedo creeper, in some cases, is to look for the guy with the biggest moralizing bullhorn. Just as the way to catch an adulterer is to look for the loudest hypocrite. A guy like televangelist Jim Bakker, convicted of fraud while People seem to have an unending appetite for hypocrisy. Which is why branding yourself as the bad guy is pretty damned important if you're anticipating that you'll be outed as a bad guy one day. Or just falsely accused of being a bad guy. Branding. Which is something you told Sargon of Akkad once. Something a very serious student of business knows. The guy who sets up his audience in advance to react to "creepers" who just "know" he's a pedo because "you can just tell" is also doing standard indoctrination. You're setting up the parameters for the sale, before selling them on who's the creep. The calls for violence have all been implicit in this video. Those who don't understand these dynamics are useful idiots. Those who know what they just saw will know not to say a word. Not to criticize. Not to call out. Not to accuse. A backup channel? Just for your hardcore defenders, right? Not for the casual types. Like the Twitch channel, spending more time with your core audience brings them much deeper into your thinking, away from prying eyes. Somewhere to test less palatable ideas. To see what you can really get away with. I'm not saying it's cult building. But it is familiar. A tiered system. There's a type of guy who demonizes men who get away with doing or saying what they want to say, but can't. There's a type of guy who minimizes how many pedos there are, ignoring countries like Pakistan, where 90% of boys age 18 have already been raped. (Pakistan shows what happens if you can get away with it.) But these people are also human beings. And so I've imagined what it would be like to fall for someone you can't possibly be with. What it's like to be unable to talk about it. I've imagined the pain of losing someone you love to cancer. To war. To a car accident. But this might be the first time I've imagined losing someone you love because they grew up. At some point, guys like cute little Justin Bieber just don't do it for you anymore. Or Elijah Wood. Or Chris from Family Guy, who's too old for Herbert the Pervert. Even if a pedo became untouchable, powerful, like the late Baba and accused molester Sai Baba, once considered a God incarnate in India, who has access to people bringing him children to abuse.
This guy thinks he walks on water. Shh. Here he comes. Hi, accused child molester!
At best, it's heartbreak over and over again. And being completely unable to talk to anyone about it must be frustrating for him. Even more so when everyone else falls in love so easily, it lasts such a long time, they CAN talk about it, and people understand and sympathize. But every man's sexuality is demonized these days, thanks to feminists. And I guess feminists have realized that the most powerfully motivated people on this planet are people who want love and need power and protection of the Holy Roman Catholic Church... Oh. I mean feminism. Don't know how I got them confused. Anyone who wants to change the world will find pedophiles a powerfully motivated ally in a world that demonizes them.
And if you're serious about stopping feminism's power to install a Communist dictator who'll turn government into his (or her) own person tyranny, then you do what's good for kids: Which is to offer a better, smarter route to power, love, and compassion for all men's sexuality than feminism ever could be.
  • Nickerson's aligned with the beast. Maybe he's willing to let millions die so he can get laid. And I think he may succeed. But only if we let him.
  • Because fuck those feminist tribalist poo-flinging monkeys.
  • Because if kids really can't consent, then we'll have to stop hugging them.
  • They'll hae to stop kissing each other.
  • If kids CAN'T consent, we'll need to stop buying them all those toys they claim to want.
That's my two cents.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Story Of The Pain And Suffering Caused By Facebook's Policy Of Censorship

Even though Ms. Lauren Southern probably wouldn't approve of
the spirit of this message, I feel compelled to write it anyway.

I'm contemplating whether the pain and suffering and anguish I 
personally experienced as a result of being cut off from Ms. Lauren 
Southern's news posts, hedgehog pictures, and encouragement for 24 
grueling hours is grounds for a class action lawsuit at this time. The
reason why is very simple.

Today I feel I've suffered due to the actions of Facebook, and that 
I've undergone needless pain and suffering caused entirely by the bad 
faith Facebook appears to have shown by apparently failing to honor 
their agreement with me, with Lauren, with Disdain For Plebs and 
Facebook's other users.

Had I known Facebook would so flagrantly disregard its own stated 
policies, standards, and terms, I'd never have signed up for a free 
user account I set up specifically to follow posts from Lauren 
Southern, her friends, and the people she recommends to give comfort to 
people who'd otherwise believe nothing is being done on their behalf.

I would never have emotionally invested in an online relationship of 
ANY kind, even as a fan while I'm in such an emotionally fragile state 
had I known a rich and powerful company would threaten to pull the plug 
on someone with the courage to tell the truth about Facebook's actions.

There's very good reason why I follow profiles of people like Lauren 
Southern, far beyond her fabulous good looks, sense of style, beautiful 
smile, charming eyes, and incredible hair. Something that doesn't exist 
and to my knowledge, is not common among hedgehog owners.
In the very recent past, I think I've demonstrated my fear and distrust 
of certain figures of power and authority, including the transit police 
officer who recently called me to investigate Ms. Southern's 

Just as I thought he would, treated me like a suspect. He harassed and 
interrogated me with several attempts to obtain personally identifying 
information and made efforts to compromise the anonymous nature of my 

I just wanted to give him a description of a suspicious person, and was 
treated like a criminal. Just because I tried to help. Like any decent
human being would.

In any other circumstances, I could have gone onto Facebook to tell Ms. 
Southern about this aggressive and hostile authority figure. But this 
was not one of those times.

Today's events reminded me of this emotionally traumatic and 
distressing disappearance.

A disappearance which happened on the same day I received news that I 
was about to lose a very close loved one.

Facebook's reckless and callous actions today reminded me of how easily 
I can be cut off from the few who care enough to comfort other in their 
moment of grief.

[edit: I'm very sorry for any lapses of clarity here. I'm obviously under the strain of emotionally crippling distress]

To showcase the bravery of those who risk their livelihoods to speak on 
behalf of those who can't afford to risk the food in their children's 
mouths by challenging a rich man's opinions.

Thank goodness I've had advantages others have lost. I still have a 
loving, supportive family, including those who've fallen terminally 
ill. Thanks to Facebook, they've been cut off from a source of comfort, 
To unplug a person from their friends is awful thing to do. You may as 
well have locked them into a room by themselves. 

It's a punishment equivalent to solitary confinement. Worse, actually. 
Does Facebook seek to deny us our daily hour of sunshine, fresh air, 
and interaction that's offered even to hardened convicted criminals? 
Disdain for Plebs and Lauren Southern and their teams, friends, and 
associates tirelessly labor, often at their own expense, even at 
profound personal and professional sacrifice, to provide me and 
thousands of others with a precious lifeline of unique and otherwise 
unavailable information, photos, and modicum of acknowledgement you 
wouldn't deny a dog in the street.

These may just be buttons to pump up profits to a rich man, but these 
precious binary signals are food for the soul. A guide to how someone 
feels about you. 

When someone like Lauren clicks that button, I swell up with pride. I 
brag to my friends. I announce the event. I mark the calendar. I scroll 
back through my notifications to find it again, just to make sure it 
was real. 

It means I've somehow done something right. That the day wasn't wasted. 

It feels almost like a pat on the back. For some, I'd imagine, it's 
closest thing to a kind touch they'll get.

It's something to strive for. Something to hope for. Something to work 
toward. It sets a person off on a path of self-improvement and self-
discovery, to learn how to intelligently contribute to the conversation 
in some way.

But Facebook wants to yank away that tether from people. 
If I did the same to a dog, I could be incarcerated for criminal 

If you disconnect a dog from the person they rely on for thirty days, 
you'll return to find a house full of flies.

When I thought I'd lost Lauren to the notorious SkyTrain sex bandit, 
who was arrested and then released after allegedly groping and 
attacking an innocent women just days before Lauren's sudden 
disappearance from Facebook and Twitter, I felt understandably 
distraught, I think.

When I couldn't find anybody who knew if she was okay, I broke my usual 
policy of keeping a distance, and broke the unwritten rules.

I looked for signs that she might still be alive.
looked up the hospitals where she may have been medically evacuated to, 
perhaps on the bus which appeared to have been diverted just minutes 
after her call for help went out over Twitter and her phone went dead.
What comes next is difficult and embarrassing to have to admit.

By a strange coincidence, this traumatic event in my life, my own 
personal 9/11 happened to me on the same day the doctor told my family 
that we'd almost certainly be losing the closest, dearest, most beloved 
person in my life in just a matter of weeks.

I believe this shocking set of events spurred me to violate my own 
personal code of conduct. Like someone breaking the glass to grab a 
fire extinguisher, I reluctantly reached out 

As I sat by her bed today, watching her try to maintain consciousness, 
I received the awful and shocking news that Facebook had unplugged 
someone who'd done absolutely nothing wrong.
Lauren has become something of a hero of mine. A rare symbol of courage
and compassion and the tradition of family. Some may find those things

People with unimaginable levels of power and wealth who wield their 
technology as a weapon above the heads of the innocent.
I was reminded of the moment when Lauren was very nearly physically 
assaulted by the Prime Minister of Canada. If recent events are any 
sign, I was right to fear he'd strike another woman.

So the deluge of concerned emails I'm sure she's receives from other 
traumatized fans like me should be entered into a some sort of public 
record, in my opinion.

Without the help of international lawyers, I feel powerless to 
determine how to proceed to file a complaint against the company that's 
caused my distress.

If Facebook acted in "bad faith", or whatever the legal term is, and 
caused a day of terror for anyone else by denying them access to the 
journalism, information, and cute pictures of hedgehogs we need to calm 
our nerves in these dangerous times, to know that some champion of the 
people is still fighting for our freedom from fear, then I hope they 
will stand up and be counted.

FYI I'm a sensitive and vulnerable person in a delicate state, due to 
the terminal illnesses in my family, and impending loss of loved ones, 
so please forgive the emotional nature of this message.

Ms. Southern, please forgive me for being so much of a fan, and for 
taking Facebook at their word that I could rely and depending on the 
lifeline of the comfort your non-offensive posts provide me to ease my 
tremendous and growing grief.

I know that I'm supposed to start take more personal responsibility for 
my actions and feelings and outcomes, just like Lauren Southern is 
trying to teach us and remind us daily to do, but until she's able to 
communicate that message uninterrupted on social media, and until her 
friends and colleagues are left in peace to calm our jets, I'm left 
with the almost irrational impulse to blame Facebook for causing my 
pain, anguish, suffering, and emotional trauma.

Writing this has taken tremendous effort on so little sleep. I need to 
go back to comforting myself with an even larger dose of fatty, salty, 
high-cholesterol food after all that's happened, and try to disregard 
the twinge of pain in my chest. 

If I don't make it, at least I can die knowing Lauren's back on 
Facebook again for her friends, for her family, and even for her fans.

I have the privilege and honor of knowing Ms. Lauren Southern well 
enough to know pretty damn well she wouldn't agree with me saying this, 
due to her political views, and might even equate me with a toddler for
saying it, but...

I don't think turning off my computer or closing my account can undo 
the emotional and physical and medical damage done to my arteries 
today, nor can it erase the memory of what Facebook just did to me.

Yes, I think I'll survive, but I don't know how to explain why I've been
pulled away from my beloved grandmother's death bed in her final days to 
write this letter in honor of the men in her family who sacrificed so 
much and risked their lives for my right to say it.

Today, on #ArmedForcesDay, I write this simple letter honor the 
sacrifice of all the men and women in all our families who fought for 
our right to say unpopular things that rich, powerful men don't always 
like us saying.

And every year, when I go to visit my grandmother's final resting 
place, I'll remember it as the day Facebook chose to use their powerful 
platform to spit on their graves.

Fair Use

Thought Police In The Boy's Room

I Guess BuzzFeed Wants to Normalize Thought Policing in The Men's Room, Guys.

There should be no shame about touching yourself. Because that would be conservative wrongthink.
If you pee in front of me, it's sexual assault. If you don't, you're a transphobe.
As I think I correctly predicted in this post:
And in this video:

If you don't like Obama's open-door bathroom policy for your kids, you can just hold it in and avoid the bathroom. Enjoy the kidney damage, boys. Or you could show up to school too dehydrated to learn. Since you can just say "I'm a trans guy" after the fact to defend yourself if you're caught in the boy's bathroom or locker room, girls who abuse this policy can't get in trouble. And vice versa.

But I'm sure there's no way girls would take advantage of someone being vulnerable in the bathroom, right?

But I'm sure it's fine.

Hey... It Won't Kill You To Show A Little Sensitivity
(Even though Amy Inita Joyner-Francis died April 21, beaten to death inside a Wilmington, Delaware high school bathroom by 3 girls.)
Whoopsies. I guess I was wrong. Some girls will fuck your shit up when given half the chance. As one did in this video while students stood by doing nothing.

"Remember your motherf--ing skin tone." Black Supremacist Beating Someone Who's Apparently Not Black Enough To Have Her Own Opinion

You might not agree with me, or with reality itself, but as you may know, I've recently decided to do something about people tuning me out. You see, white men are ignored in today's society. And long ago, I realized I wasn't quite like everyone else.

So in order to feel more like myself, I've decided to come out of the closet as a transblack transwoman antifeminist apostate lesbian, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd all stop silencing me.

My Father Would Literally KILL Me If He Knew I Didn't Want To Be Muslim Anymore

The Point Is It's True Because I Said So

Which is all you need to do to shower with teenage girls. So wait... I can go shower with the girls now? Where do I sign up to go back to high school?

Not to worry. Bill O'Reilly's on it.

Enjoy the cultural apocalypse, folks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Very Weird Morning

Why Am I Writing This Post?

Because 2 people dropped out at the same time. A friend who likes tons of my tweets, +Maria Al-Masani and a woman who just left Islam and deleted her account a few minutes ago.

Meanwhile, Lauren continued posting, so maybe she's oblivious. I somehow kinda doubt it.

Maria suddenly stopped interacting with me at the same time +Lauren Southern tagged her in a post. Are they chatting away on DM and both ignoring me? Most likely.

But that's not the only weird thing.

So I did a quick question to Dean Esmay, who said "I get the same BS."

Maybe something we're all noticing weird things. Shadow-bans, censored posts, suspended accounts.

If it's local to Twitter, then this post shouldn't be affected. My YouTube account shouldn't be affected. Women who are normally responsive (Including Lauren Southern, BTW, who's been hitting the "fav" button on a good percentage of my Tweets) shouldn't be dropping out of existence in groups of 3.

Everything should be back to normal tomorrow, right?

This morning's stats were really heating up. This sorta stuff doesn't usually happen to me unless I'm dogpiled.

Hundreds of mentions.

What kicked off the conversation was lightning-fast typist Maria herself, who was quick to judge on seeing Ms. X's account.

Why it seems odd. I wasn't just "involved in the conversation." For a while there, I was instrumentally involved, being retweeted by both sides. Which is highly suspicious. Women fighting over me? Hardly ever!

Maria retweeted these:

Maria's last tweet before radio silence. Maybe she's in DM space. Maybe it's late and she's done for the day.

I've got the originals, but I don't want to dox her for obvious reasons.

New follower rejected her religion.

Got into an extensive conversation with me and Maria Al-Masani.

Retweeted a few things I said.

Followed me back.

She suggested men in the west need to their masculinity again.

  1. I DM her about a livestream.
  2. She's already changed her photo.
  3. Said she anonymized her account.
  4. I said that was fine. No reply.

Made a "make me a sammich" joke. No reply.

Checked and her account was deleted.

She had over 300 retweets and 600 likes for that post.

At the exact same time (I checked 45 minutes later), Lauren Southern tweeted this:

Because it's suspicious! http://archive.is/b75x8

"Big Dog" Lauren Southern weighs in out of nowhere, in a different thread.

And she did this a little later, involving someone I'll get to in a minute.

Suddenly, nothing else matters. No offense, reader, but if Lauren wanted to DM with me, you'd be on the back burner, too.

Naturally, I asked her WTF? No reply.

My live stream this morning was attended by 1 person. Just one. It mentioned Lauren Southern toward the end. According to the stats, It was seen by nobody else but me.

Okay. Early in the morning. Not my usual crowd.

The person who attended made 2 comments in the chat. "Am I the only one here?" or words to that effect.

I think the unusually low number of views might have something to do with the adult language in the description. Maybe.

Update... Here's that video:
By default, it was unlisted for just about 6 hours. Operator error. Glad I didn't jump to conclusions and think it was WEIRD or anything. LOL.

In conclusion, I have no idea what the heck is happening.

But it's weird. A little bit weird. And it probably involves @DeepikaBhardwaj somehow.

I think some of what's happened is Ms. X disappeared under the pressure of breaking the internet under her own name. This attracts people like Maria and Lauren (and myself) into the fray.

Now Maria's invited to talk about her work and can't possibly get back to me, because as much as she loves me, she hates that I haven't fit her into my schedule until the precise moment Lauren fits her into hers.

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. That would explain it.

Anyway, I hope there's a live stream or interview later, even if I'm ....