Wednesday, August 10, 2016

When She Badgers You About Marriage

When your girlfriend badgers you about marriage, and you aren't into it. At. All.

Enjoy. Love you. Keep on keeping on. I know you will.

Thanks to my intricate network of spies. ;P

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THE TRUTH About Today's Carbon Dioxide Level Alarm

What your government won't tell you and your professor doesn't know. Stepping back in time through the ancient climate of a planet filled with life. With music from the movie "Black Hole"

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Monday, August 8, 2016

When You'll Want Your Husband To See A Prostitute

While there's evidence that most of the STD fears are overblown, disease is still a thing. It's not good. I want it stopped. Because it costs a lot of money to take care of irresponsible people's poor life choices. And because our sex lives can be amazing again. So-called "Sluts" (sex workers) in the pornography industry are regularly checked, only work with other people who tested clean. Porn is a model of promiscuity done right. Particularly in stopping the spread of HIV. Same for well-regulated, legalized prostitution that's willing to ban poorly-behaved clients, such as New York's Sydney Biddle Barrows. See Mayflower Madam for a responsible Manhattan brothel who couldn't get others to cooperate with basic public health precautions, such as notifying others of outbreaks to help contain them. Her story illustrates the spread of disease can be managed, but not if prostitution is kept illegal. Prohibition of paid sex is about as effective as prohibitions on narcotics and alcohol. It doesn't work. It finances crime. It increases violence. Sex prohibition funnels money to kidnappers, child-traffickers and criminals who corrupt our cops and politicians around the world, even financing subversion and terrorism. Human trafficking is illegal, instead of being monitored and regulated to out-compete violent gangsters and beat them at their own game. Nevada's history of legalized prostitution has been a success story. But it hasn't spread. Because it takes money out of the hands of violent criminals. We've legalized narcotics with doctor prescriptions and the check and balance of a separate pharmacist to keep the scourge of drug addiction under tight control. Well-regulated prostitution could easily out-compete the kidnapping rings and drug cartels and make our daughters safe again. Sex addicts shouldn't be forced to turn to gangsters, sex traffickers for access to sex. That only endangers our daughters, nieces, sisters, and cousins. If my current thinking on the matter is a pro-slut position, then I'm pro-slut. But not pro-kidnapping, pro-disease, or pro-crime. I want to shut off the flow of easy money being funneled to criminal gangsters. When people have to follow the rules, and has reason to respect the rules, everyone's safer, including blacks and cops and little kids who never asked to grow up in a gang-land. Promiscuity and prostitution will never lose its social stigma. Compare it to drinking. Even though it's legal, the taboo against excessive drinking remains. It's college campuses which create an environment of depravity and excess by their low standards for entry. Regulated promiscuity helps create stronger marriages. If your husband or wife knows his or her full name will be recorded on a CDC-monitored database, he or she's less likely to cheat with a prostitute. And even if they do, they're much more likely to come home with a clean bill of health. But not without accountability. Both partners can be held accountable if cheating leads to a divorce. Driven by incentives, responsible adults are more likely to sleep with their own spouse or a clean, professional than a risky interlude with a random stranger. This kind of incentive can slow or even stop the deadly spread of STDs, the same way our modern disease control policies stopped the rapid spread of Ebola dead in its tracks on American soil.