This Just In: Feminists are Offended by Capitalism
by Fair Use
Feminists are famous for being offended by everything. That's not the part that's news.It's probably what they're most infamous for.
They're more infamous for taking offense than they are for saying "feminism is about equality" or the equivalent of "muh wage gap" on the nightly news. Nightly.
They're more famous for taking offense than they are for slut walks and topless protests.
And Feminists Are Now Famous For Whatever the Hell This Thing Is:
Feminists hate nothing more than anti-feminists, right? You'd certainly think so.
Protesting. Shouting. Painting their faces red. Pulling fire alarms, No-platforming and generally being problematic crybullies.
Honey, You've Got A Little Period Blood On Your Problem Glasses Rutgers University Student protesting at a Milo Talk |
Milo Yiannopoulis is practically Satan or the anti-Christ of their religion. Surely nothing could be worse to a feminist than an anti-feminist, right?
Well, almost nothing.
Because the only surprising thing is what they're NOT offended by.
Air conditioning, mansplaining, manspreading.
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Propaganda Film Lies About "Arrogant Bro" Continuously Harassed For Sitting Comfortably On Subway
If you think it's hard being a man on the subway these days, try being a woman:
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Rude, Rich, Entitled, Woman Is Universally Respected By Other Passengers |
Women look good in the expensive coat daddy paid for. Women love shopping. Feminists hate capitalism. For some reason, the rich children of industrialists love Communism. They don't seem to understand why it's a bad idea.
Let me put in terms a privileged rich young lady can understand.
Communism Hurts Shopping
But since most women don't understand this, nor do they understand that feminism isn't just cultural marxism, but full-blown cancer of actual Stalinist/Marxist Communism...The most naive among them are easily conned into believing communism serves their interests. That feminism is about making their lives better. Sounds great, right? Of course it SOUNDS amazing if you're naive, young, oblivious to history, ignorant about business, philosophy, science, statistics, and reality itself.
You Must Be THIS STUPID To Enjoy Feminism |
If feminism and other cult religions came with such disclaimers, far fewer people would fall for it and it's too-good-to-be-true false promises.
Israeli YouTuber Skeptorr recently announced the results of an informal internet poll. It was open to people who identified themselves as feminists.
"What is worse? Capitalists or anti-feminists? And the majority of them said capitalists."
About 60% of feminists said capitalism was worse than antifeminism.
Meaning they hate him more than they hate Milo Yiannopoulis. Something which should be deeply distressing to Milo himself.
For 60% of high school feminists in Israel, capitalism must die, and they'd throw capitalism off the roof than Breitbart reporter Milo Yiannopoulos.
Openly Gay Reporter Thrown Off Roof In Videogame: Milo Tosser |
Feminsim: Innocent, Sweet Movement For Equality, Right?
This game was apparently a humorous response to tragic recent events. Hatred directed toward gay men who, by definition don't "like" women. Or they don't like them that way. They obviously can't be manipulated as easily as a heterosexual man over whom they have some sexual leverage, so in order to exert power over ALL men, violence toward gays is a thing.Some would say Islam's systematic murder of homosexuals is the natural conclusion of a a gynocentric political system. Since a patriarchy couldn't produce the hatred of men. Particularly not a hatred of men who love men.
This photo looked like something you'd only see in a movie or video game. It's hard to believe it's documenting the last moment's of a real man's life.
“the sodomite should be thrown from the highest building in the town and then stoned"
So far as I've seen, the recent evidence of male hatred and male discrimination we've been seeing over the past 50 to 150 years doesn't appear to be in the financial interests of anyone but the established industrialists and wealth-producers.
And this is nothing an anti-capitalist won't tell you. The problems with capitalism are no different than the problems with football. Some people cheat. Some collude with the people who are supposed to enforce the rules of the game. Some are far more strategic than the greatest chess players in the world.
Some tweet about the problems of capitalism on their iPhones |
One of the ways to succeed is to work hard.
Another way to succeed is to make it even harder for hard-workers to compete with you. Why? So you don't have to work as hard once you succeed.
Businessmen talk about regulatory hurdles, vendor lock-in. Essentially, they find a window of opportunity and close it behind them. They put a fence around their customers, like Early Termination Fee, and make it more expensive to go to a different company offering a better deal.
The Early Termination Fee also allows phone companies, for example, to offer unbelievably good deals to get started. Why? Because you're getting $500 worth of equipment you don't have to buy upfront.
And at one point, that equipment required you to use only one cell phone provider, no matter how bad its service was in some places.
Because voice service was so bad, people in cities resorted to texting. And because they'd gotten such a bad deal.
So a girl holding an iPhone has legitimately gotten screwed by the system we currently CALL capitalism, even though there's some debate about how capitalist our society is, having arguably installed the 10 planks of the communist manifesto.
There's far less irony in the photo than you might think. In criticizing the system they've got, what they're really saying is that Communism sucks. They're just using the wrong word to describe it.
The good news: Capitalism gave you a great phone.
The bad news: Using it sucks and you basically can't get out of the deal.
Apple and AT&T succeeded in helping to convince a generation of young people that capitalism sucks. And that does nothing but make people ashamed to engage in competing with companies like AT&T and Apple.
When people are ashamed to enter the marketplace, and your potential customers already hate and fear you before you've opened your mouth, there's less competition for the cults of evangelists built by established brands.
There are Ford cult of evangelists who believe Chevy drivers are the devil and vice versa. Neither of them is 100% right. I prefer vehicles that were actually built in America, like Hondas and Toyotas over Mexican-built Ford and Chevy trucks.
But not because they were built in America, but because they're built to last. Japanese automotive industry is of course a "racist" example of cultural appropriation that would offend many modern campus feminists.
Such connections become far more obvious as you're better informed on the way business works in the real world.
Similarly, some businessmen benefit from the hatred of men, white men, cis-gender white men who are competent enough and dogged enough to figure out what their employers are doing, why it's immoral, and to criticize and expose their business pracitices.
It's a good reason why policies are in place to prevent them from being promoted into decision-making positions. They're fundamentally moral, compassionate, rational, doggedly determined people who are often paid specifically for their ability to see through bullshit for a living.
This remarkable ability is really more of a skillset which, when formalized, os commonly referred to as the scientific method. Which appears to be the inevitable result of smart white guys having some free time.
But white guys also make things like religion and monster trucks, so no value judgment can be offered here.
As comedian Bill Burr put it, men faked the moon landing. Do you think that was easy? It's way harder than going to the moon.
If too many people understand and value science, then everyone will do it.
And everybody doing things is an enemy of business. Business like people to sit and consume things, get fat and unhealthy so they can consume mass quantities of expensive medical care.
If cigarrettes couldn't be made profitably, the medical industry would have to find a way to give them away for free. Because job security. But I'm sure putting bleach, flouride and sugar in the water is based entirely on consumer demand and nothing else.
Whitesplaining (i.e. science) seems to be a powerful plasma-torch bullshit-cutting tool which can't be allowed into the hands of the front-line employees, because facts are such inconvenient, sticky things.
If men are permitted to do science on their own, or to feel as though they're capable of credible, independent science, then they may actually prove that Apple is screwing you, the consumer. No. I mean literally screwing you. with products that are incredibly hard to repair (and no longer supported) so you're forced to upgrade or pay for expensive repairs from Apple.
These exact kinds of practices were made illegal in the auto industry, because the repair industry is in direct competition with the manufacturing industry.
Industry also has an inherent conflict of interest because they want you to keep buying their stuff. As billionaire Warren Buffett's business partner Charlie Munger said, a consultant typically advises you that you need more consulting.
Not me, though. Once you read this blog, I hope you'll simply die in a fire and never come back. Or you can die in the gas chamber first. Up to you.
I especially hope you never go on to watch these videos I enjoyed making for you, which are only barely relevant to the content of this article, because some of them are VERY controversial. And there are people I've mentioned today who definitely don't want you to watch them.
Steve Jobs himself might just roll over in his grave.
Especially if I showed a direct connection between industrialists and genocides, politicides, and the Marxist revolution still in progress.
And Now We Have Data
Well, there isn't much data. The patriarchy has REALLY been slacking. Hardly any women have been paraded out topless in chains to raise awareness for the patriarchy's interests.Except when it helps rich industrialists silence their critics.
I'm not a rapist, but I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually play one in the establishment media.
Recently Accused By The Establishment Press Of Organizing Meetings Around The World For Rapists. (You'd think the patriarchy-controlled media would support such a thing.) |
Then at the very least, you've got to start wondering who's really in charge of what society is allowed to think.
Especially when the best-established within the anti-establishment are understandably reluctant to openly discuss the obvious financial interests and incentives and conflicts of interest at play.
If I wanted you to keep watching, I wouldn't give you the answer. I wouldn't just say "Steve Jobs Did It." I'd string you along to gather ad revenue or something.
So I should probably disclose how I make money. For ethics or whatever. But where's the fun in that? It simply robs you of the joy of discovery. It's much more fun to solve a puzzle yourself.
Back to our regularly scheduled biased propaganda:
What's spewed forth and endlessly repeated by idealogues is biased research of questionable value, pushing a political agenda.
Kind of like what I'm about to do.
But the difference is I'm not pretending it's real. It's like the difference between drawing a fictional superhero comic book about a miraculous creature capable of magic...
And someone who tells you the magic is real.
The difference between a magician and illusionist is the magician wants you to believe he has magic powers. The illusionist wants you to believe he's merely an entertainer capable of temporarily tricking you.
The difference is that you know you're being fooled by someone who admits it's just a trick.
So if you like that kind of bullshit, then here's something that's at least as good as what's used by "evil magicians" to enslave humanity into paying to higher repair and replacement costs, expensive upgrades, and a mad political agenda to #KillAllWhiteMen.
Ah, yes. The problem with capitalism is it creates industrialists. And industrialists are the only people who could possibly benefit from Communism. Well. Not entirely true.
Since there are some people who are paid to betray their own species. I suppose they financially benefit, too.
I'm assuming for the sake of this article that you agree with me that genocide is mostly a bad thing.
If I were to come out as a high-paid genocide consultant, helping companies silence dissent, that would be kinda awkward. But hell. I'm just a poor, innocent blogger who works for the highest bidder.
Do I sound like I'm courting the kind of people who are willing and able to pay for those kinds of services? Or maybe I'm pretending to be a champion of the people.... all those ignorant masses who are hugely unlikely to ever pay?
I could smile and make nice and sell some shoes or prepper gear. Or I could sell crappy technology I can't get to work. But that would all be really hard.
Please skip this following section if you hate harsh reality, and choose the vastly higher cost of the consequences of blissful ignorance:
It's much easier to sell my thinking skills to genocidal maniacs who want to take a flamethrower to the human race. Hell, it worked out just fine for Socrates. Had to pay for his ramen or rice somehow.
But hey. Times have changed. I could always decide to turn my mind toward the interests of the plebs, if they're willing to pay the cost of their own "ransom," but so far, they've never been smart enough to do so. We'll just have to see what they choose this time.
You can probably save your own ass for a dollar a month or let me tip the odds in favor of the Marxists. Or I can just go off and become an industrialist myself... I hear it pays quite well.
This is the largely unspoken agreement you're entering into when you drop a tip into the tip cup.
As your intellectual demi-god I promise to be somewhat more merciful to those who do. And hopefully a bit entertaining and enlightening in the process. It's damned cheap insurance and it's nothing I haven't done myself, and for some of the same reasons that you might.
To be honest, I'm not so much a champion as a benevolent mercenary. But it's up to you. That's capitalism for ya. You can pay me now or pay me later.
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Trained by Top-Notch Benevolant Soldiers of Fortune on TV (It Was On TV While I Was Skipping Class) |
Or you can always shoot me. I don't particularly care which. There's simply no amount of money which relieves as much suffering as eternal sleep, IMO.
There are other options, too. None of which are legal or ethical, but you're unlikely to think of them on your own, and the only thing you'll achieve is to punch the beehive. People try it on Milo and Trump and it consistently backfires. Ever wonder why?
The problem with punching at a beehive is a thousand bees fly out to sting you every time.
If you're thinking "I don't negotiate with terrorists", then you haven't given much thought to the real reasons why you pay your Dentist. And if it wasn't him, it would be someone else.
Without access to dentistry, you and your loved ones would be in a downward spiral in a hurry. That's why you pay the ransom. To be beautiful, healthy, admired, adored, to be able to enjoy your food and not die prematurely.
Or maybe I'm just being inflammatory for clicks.
Or producing a work of satire. It's just jokes, folks!
Or demonstrating the predicament you're in when dealing with others.
Or demonstrating how fear is used to control you.
Or demonstrating how fear is used to make sales.
Or how it's used to get otherwise unqualified presidential candidates elected.
All of which have different kinds of value to different people. So I thought it was time to mention it somewhere.
And Now... THE SCIENCE (Sort of)
While this poll isn't even remotely conclusive in my opinion, it's not surprising to someone who's well informed.
And this kind of data is more than good enough for the bad guys to put your nuts in a metaphorical vice.
It's the kind of poll results feminists routinely get printed on the front pages of magazines, in propaganda films.
It's the kind of poll feminists deem good enough to take as gospel, and use to push regulators to take immediately political action.
Actions which have painful, inconvenient consequences on people who's lives increasingly depend on their conveniences.
We're not nearly as hard as we used to be because as long as the power stays on, we don't have to be. (Links to that BBC mercenary historian James Burke's Connections, Episode I, which scared the shit out of you to get you to sit and learn your tech history.)
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Now That's One Scary History Teacher |
There are things we won't do for ourselves. But we'll do them for our women, kids, or dogs. Whoever we care about most. People we'd like to protect from harm.
But is the rise of anti-capitalism (which primarily benefits the capitalists themselves) worth of further study?
Sure. Why not? From the author himself:
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Skeptor's clarification on the poll |
There Exist Pockets of Strong Anti-Capitalist Sentiments Among the Poll Respondents
I believe this observation squares with the hypothesis presented in this post. That the rich will stop at nothing to suppress competition. Including teaching a hatred of capitalism to the young. I suspect they teach their own children the missing piece: The benefits of pushing the hatred and fear of capitalism.
Welcome to the jungle.