TL;DR: Because There's Blood On Their Hands
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Why won't this joker (pro comedian) name the problem or jump on the solution train? |
No need for a Marxist explanation. My attempt to disprove myself yielded some fruit a couple weeks ago.
I wrote this 2 weeks ago w/o publishing it. Because I wasn't sure if I could be so savage and actually name names, so I didn't publish. Then this morning, I heard Stefan Molyneux covering these ideas in a lot of detail and said: Well that sounds damn familiar. Has this ever occurred to me?
Oh, yes it did. And I even wrote it down. And most likely, I've forgotten that I got the idea from Stefan in the first place. But probably more importantly, it's impossible that he could have gotten the idea, however indirectly, from this blog post.
This current thinking has been based on RECENT observations of the people around me which contradicted my previously held mental models of reality. So if you favor the Marxist conspiracy over the underlying biological forces, just see which fits your experience better, and let me know below. Thanks. ]
The left has blood on their hands. Or so they feel. But first, the disclaimers:
Rather than stop every five seconds to say "This is a hypothesis" or "it seems to me" or "it's fun to speculate", I'm going to make it clear that these are simply my fact-based suspicions and opinions. We all suspect things before going to investigate them. We act on our hunches.
Nobody knows exactly why our beloved friends and family, including the marvelous Dave Rubinses of the world feel guilty, or at least seem to behave as if they do.
But here's why it counts. You know how people say you've got to walk a mile in another man's shoes?
As a very street smart, very successful executive once said about What They Don't Teach You At Harvard, (which they since started teaching at Harvard) you have to know when to trust your gut. He also said watch out for lawyers, who'll kill a perfectly good deal and stir up trouble just to get more overtime hours.
When it comes to people, your gut feeling tells things you can't get from anywhere else.
For example, your white liberal friend who's working for a company on curing cancer, marries a minority, and visits the scene of a genocide on vacation and blogs about it is probably driven by a feeling of guilt. I can't prove it, but it fits the facts.
But why would someone who's much better informed still publicly side against Trump, as Dave Rubin seems to be doing?
Well, as he mentioned, he stands to lose a lot of friends, just by standing up for liberal values like free speech. It's far too haram. Too conservative. Forbidden by progressive law.
People stand to lose a perfectly good piece of ass for having the wrong opinion, and some believe they must support people who give lip service to leftist pandering rhetoric about gay marriage.
The so-called libertarians have this problem, too. They're more interested in this morally superior, narcissistic, heroic image of "from my cold dead hands". Well I can assure you that your hands will be cold and dead if Mao Zedong gets elected and comes for your guns.
And I've got news for the leave-me-alone crowd. Most people are either socially liberal or financially conservative, and they vote in self defense anyway. It's the nature of first-past-the post voting.
The two party system is an inevitable side effect of that system. It's been a false choice from the beginning.
I've been watching these things develop for awhile now, and it's about time to begin to expose it to the light of scrutiny.
This is what my gut tells me.
Liberals go to college and get jobs and get married and have approximately 1 kid or less. I keep seeing the liberals doing this. 1.5 kids tops. Then they get snipped.
Especially in places like Sweden.
Seems many of them have a good income in a not-so-dangerous job, someone to theoretically fuck if they want to, a job and maybe a promotion that sucks a little less than the jobs of people without a degree. This took them a lot of work and sacrifice, and they're not willing to give it up on principle.
Among the rewards?
They even get to pretend they feel morally superior at all times.
But only by putting other people down. So far, I haven't said anything too remarkable.
I've gotten into a series of conversations with these people. They seem to know they're wrong. You can tell because they're not interested in finding out what's going on.
They're interested in imposing their views on you.
By force, if necessary. Or if it's convenient. Usually without listening.
They have every kind of knee-jerk reaction when you start making too much sense.
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People who take drastic actions may be nuts, but they've really thought things through. Don't believe me? Just read their manifestos. |
Which... as convoluted as it sounds, actually happened to me. (A story for another time.)
You'll know someone's a liberal because they start making excuses for radical feminists, radical Islam, and dismissing conspiracy theories as ridiculous without ever saying why. And when you present any facts or arguments, they shut them out. They're not interested in hearing them.
It's no different than conversing with a true believer in a cult. Or at least, one of the people who stands to gain financially by defending their cult from the real and present danger of honest inquiry.
Until today, I thought this must be the result of confirmation bias. But that strikes me as too convenient an excuse, in this case.
Because I've seen what confirmation bias looks like. When you debate a Christian man, for example, you might never change his mind.
But a Christian man doesn't typically try to shut you down or discredit you like liberal zealots and their apologists do.
It's like living under a zero-tolerance policy for non-conforming thought.
So this is why liberal zealotry can't be explained away as confirmation bias.
I've seen supposedly non-radical members of my own family get up and retreat to their "safe space" or stop talking entirely as soon as I start sounding reasonable on literally ANY topic whatsoever. Including where hands should be placed on the steering wheel.
Should you try to protect your thumbs, in the event that you're in an accident that deploys the airbag, or should you try to protect yourself from getting into a car accident in the first place by keeping your hands properly positioned on the wheel?
A liberal is easily persuaded to protect their thumbs from airbags. It's much harder to convince them they're obviously better off preventing the car accident in the first place.
For example, liberals proposed seat belts in cars. They didn't care whether those seat belts decrease overall safety by promoting a false sense of security. Which they do.
Liberals can be just as averse to basic scientific realities as conservatives. But it's the way they avoid these subjects that differs.
A conservative who doesn't like you may tell you to get the hell out or he'll shoot.
A liberal will simply have the Sheriff do it, so he can pretend he's the more civilized one.
Our society has skewed so far to the left since we started that supporting free speech and other liberal values is now considered a conservative position by the progressives in power and on campus.
The campus progressives are calling science a social construct, teaching students to hate, fear, and rebel against clear-thinking, logical, rational arguments, hateful facts and other such bigotry.
That the guy with his sleeves rolled up, smoking a cigarette over a rusty steel tank of God-knows-what in a pair of rubber boots is actually earning quite a bit more than these cry-bully liberals ever will.
Lately, liberals have been blind-sided by the reality that college isn't the automatic ticket to a comfortable career that it used to be. Instead, universities are cranking out ever more millennial zombie thought police who scare the shit out of liberals and conservatives and employers.
Then they learn about the college bubble.
Or at least glimpse a headline somewhere.
This scares them even more, given the recency of the real estate bubble that sent dozens of their quirky, opinionated, free-thinking Facebook friends off to God-knows-where doing God-knows-what.
They Don't Want To Admit These Friends Lost Jobs They Still Haven't Gotten Back
Orwell never warned us about the the surprising effectiveness of campaigns playing on white guilt. At least, I don't think he did, or someone would have quoted him by now, next to a picture of Obama.
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What We Would Have Seen If Orwell had Anticipated Race-Baiting |
George Orwell didn't say that race warfare would be the new class warfare. It's hip. It's trendy. All the fish-mouthed commie college zealots are doing it. And punishing those who commit heresy.
You noticed it.
Starting in 2007, people were called racists for criticizing Obama during his original presidential campaign.
The race baiting September 2015 Ahmed clock incident seems to have caught Richard Dawkins by surprise.
It worked in the short term.
Based on recent conversations with a few mid-income, guilty liberals, no matter how intelligent or capable they seem, no matter how much they excel at small talk, some number of them seem to know they're being led like lambs to the slaughter.
Two reasons:
- Because they keep shutting down and shutting out critical thinkers.
- They think if they're good enough true believers, and follow the rules, and apologize, they'll be spared.
Caught between the frying pan and the fire, they're desperately climbing into the comfort of their frying pan whenever someone points to the fire and says, "We really ought to start to do something about all this fire."
(I'm not done mixing metaphors, dammit.)
It will be a bit sad to see them all slaughtered by the almost inevitable financial collapse, but like the partiers in the Masque of the Red Death, believing the horrors of the plague are shut outside their castle walls, they're choosing the dreadful consequences of willful ignorance.
Like anyone else who sets up their protectionist walls, it's not a solution. It's just a patch. Otherwise, Israel wouldn't need any foreign aid. After all, they've got a wall. So did Berlin.
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A trendy new way to keep those damn kids off your lawn. |
SOME of these people have to know there's no excuse. They're voting for more of the same anyway. They're riding this plane all the way to the scene of the crash. Why? Because each and every minute, it's the path of least resistance.
Even if we're running out of minutes.
Me? I'm comfortable being Darth Vader. Fuck it. You can make me the bad guy if you want, but show me where I'm wrong.
I believe certain liberals have been dirtied up by a cheap and obvious con. A dark and dirty con. They have blood on their hands, and they know it.
Like suspects at the Nuremberg trials, they're pointing fingers of blame at anyone but themselves. At some point along the way, they gave up on morality. They see themselves as Robin Hood to ease their guilt. Meanwhile, they're no more heroic than a jewel thief.
Whoever the evil villain is, it's not them. It can't be.
They were just following orders.
Their silence has been bought and paid for, one way or another. And I suspect they know it. Some do.
But their hard work will start paying off, right? By continuing down the wrong path, "Utopia is at hand, right?"
This is the deal with the devil, so to speak.
"Just a little bit longer," as long as nobody looks to closely at the skeletons in their closet, society will collapse before anyone realized their complicity. Or utters it.
Too late. I just did.
In Sweden, people who sucked off the teat of easy government money and social programs by passing off the bill to future generations can't bear to look their 1.5 children in the eye anymore.
So they refuse to have any more children of their own. Why? Because they were smart enough to know their children would be born into tax slavery and grow up to resent being born. Liberals can't bear to face that. And they certainly don't want to pay for the privilege of having even more guilt.
They'd rather enslave them some dumb immigrants instead.
It's true. They just put it in nicer terms. They want "someone to take care of us."
But it's too late for that, too.
Because it takes a generation before immigrant babies start producing taxable revenues. Meanwhile, it costs at least sixteen years of tax dollars to feed and educate each kid and turn them into a potential taxpayer.
One who'll be stuck doing an incredibly unpleasant, low-paying, dead-end job under a heavy tax burden with nothing to keep them there but family.
When these immigrant babies grow up, will they resent the circumstances they've been born into? You bet. So the only way to keep them from destroying the whole scam is to impose totalitarian censorship.
Which is why liberals haven't ejected the radical thought police from their ranks.
It's why the establishment is doubling down from every flank. And why almost no liberals including friendly-sounding, reasonable Dave Rubin, who's seen fraternizing with the red-hats, are breaking ranks yet.
He's still not persuaded by Milo Yiannopoulis to vote for Trump, for some unstated reason we haven't cajoled out of him yet.
I'm only naming his name because he's so fresh on my mind, but if pressed, I might be able to mention half a dozen other suspected sympathizers.
People with a greater fear of emptying garbage cans than filling mass graves.
So they pretend the Maoists who work tirelessly to disarm the populace have their best interests in mind. It's why they're so quick to ridicule all the conspiracy theories, rather than to engage them in any serious debate.
They'll graciously debate theists and creationists and flat earthers, and feminists, but not anybody who might actually be onto something and show up armed with compelling or interesting facts.
I'm no engineer, so quite frankly, I don't know whether jet fuel can melt steel beams, or help them get soft enough to bend or buckle, but it how hard would it to test? Not too hard. Thunderf00t does these sorts of projects all the time. And the answer is very likely exist on a data table somewhere.
Why are liberals so unwilling to touch it?
I'm not afraid of the answer. Neither result would change my mind about the nature of governments. Then again, I can see why people who KNOW they produce no real value to the marketplace would be afraid of an uprising that led to a free market in which they'd be at the bottom.
But that's just my current thinking on the matter.
Instead of waiting for the revolution to show up on their doorstep, they're desperately trying to keep the nationwide game of musical chairs going for another year. Each solution more jerry-rigged and grotesque and unforgivable than the last.
And guillotines meant for them can't be all that hard to mass-manufacture when people wake up and understand the rules of the game they've been playing.
Some people won't be bought or intimidated.
And if you run out of places to stash their bodies, you're really in trouble. It's all conjecture, sure. But it's the way I leaned to think many years ago. Seeing things from someone else's point of view is supposed to be a virtue.
But it also helps you catch serial killers. Why? Because it means you'll know where to look for them. How to get them to show up where you want them.
I might not have mentioned it, but some of you liberals still haven't realized...
Immigration Won't Work
A massive, rapid influx of migrants who don't share Western values, haven't integrated into society, might not even know the language, and collect a check and benefits instead of generating tax revenue.
Unless you're planning on bringing back child labor, which might actually happen under progressive rule, you won't produce a workforce in time to catch the economy before it collapses into a worldwide Depression, each country falling like dominoes.
When immigrants do work, it's more often that they sell illegal drugs to the locals on the Black Market.
They're earning under-the-table income that's not reported, not taxed, and there aren't enough police to stop them.
The best-educated people must have had this figured out decades ago. The whole time I've been growing up, learning to work hard, to produce more, to live with integrity and treat people well, liberals have been living off the sweat and blood of people who do real work, and we're glad to have a job to do. Smart enough to be able to do it, and on average, earning more than the folks who don't.
Which puts us in a higher tax bracket, of course. Money to feed the welfare babies, which puts more and more voters into the pockets of increasingly regressive, state-aggrandizing politicians. You liberals know damn well we haven't been too happy about it.
Real Work: Any job which produces an actual, realized, quantifiable benefit to another human being of equal or greater value than the cost of employing them.
Because the only free speech they're interested in is the speech that agrees with them.
You've come for our guns, schools, speech, families, candidates, political parties, and policies, and seized most of those things in record time. We're only barely allowed to teach our children that we're tax slaves.
Because to a liberal, a conservative's child is the property of the state. It's why daddies can't be permitted to grow up with their kids anymore.
And if they do, they can't be permitted to disagree with moms. (Women are more likely to vote Democrat, regardless of age.)
For an ever-larger percentage of the next generation, joining the con artist aristocracy is their life's ambition. They'll even take less pay, as long as they don't have to do any "real work" in their lives. Or be on the "wrong side" of history.
People seem to be feeling guilty they've been caught in an obvious monkey trap. Buying more shoes. More vacations. Buying their way out of a dirty, dangerous job by setting someone else's families on fire. (Such things happen in times of war.)
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Fiercely defending the supposed moral superiority of any amount of cruelty with one fist still stuck into the hole of a monkey trap.
Closing their eyes and tucking their head in the sand while all the other monkeys get bashed on the head. Just waiting their turn in line.
Happy they've been given the chance to step over bodies for a living, counting up the corpses instead of being one.
Our people-farming system is known to be virtually unsustainable.
The chickens can try as they might to wiggle away from the facts, but sooner or later they'll face the axe.
2 weeks later:
Not only do I agree with the assessment that we're shoving the leftists over a cliff, but the leftists sense we're were winning. And in the pro-conspiracy column, people have started to die in politically useful, financially lucrative ways.
The polling numbers for the Brexit vote and Trump looked favorable for the common working man. Then Orlando and Jo Cox happened, and Congress started pushing for its big, bi-partisan gun grab.
This was followed by the largest mass shooting massacre in recent American history, the conveniently-timed death of Jo Cox, with a "Britain First" false narrative about the shooter, the reversal of support for #VoteLeave in the Brexit vote, and a sudden surge in globalist stock prices.
If that's true, where are the citations? In this post. If interested, check my sources. Prove me wrong.