Friday, July 8, 2016

"Soon The Tables Will Turn" say militant propagandists pumping out cop killers

Dumb Blacktivist Exposes Her Entire Hate Movement's Links To Terror In One Tweet Stream

"Soon the Tables Will Turn"

Radical Black Lives Matter activist justifying violence: (Timecode: 16:24)

Recent video featuring Tariq Ali and Cherrelle Brown (fresh back from a trip to Palestine last year) glorifies violent activist Malcolm X and justifies violence.

Cherrell Brown shouting at police
She also runs a class teaching students as young as this:

And saboteurs as active as this:

Who then went on to "shut shit down", of course.

And naturally, she encourages women to let men die. Literally. Because misandry.

"We don't really be saving them."

I'm sure she's not serious about it. One-time thing, right?

Looks like men's lives don't matter to #BlackLivesMatter activist Cherrell Brown.

But she's not super committed to black activism or anything, right?

God, huh? Sounds like a religious devotion. A zealot.

Maybe she is. But that's not a big deal, because one person like her can't have a very big influence in the world, can she?

Well, maybe she can. But even still... she's one woman. She can't raise any funds and do REAL damage, can she?

It seems I spoke too soon.

But that's okay, because she respects the elders in the movement. Leftist activism is nothing new, so she can be reasoned with, right? Soak up the wisdom of the elders in the movement.

"What we not finsta do" is "be a bit more humble and modest via appearance" on TV, given that white people will try to derail the movement.

Does she take such advice seriously?

Apparently not. But even with money, she'd have to be connected to some pretty dangerous people before you'd worry. Does she know ANY dangerous or violent people?

Um... well, those are a couple of known protesters. One has some popularity vlogging against Islamaphobia on YouTube.

But they're pretty harmless, aren't they?

I know Ash was involved in this UK protest turned violent. Lauren Southern's crew was hit and she had her British Union Jack hat stolen. Just some harmless fun. Nothing but a mosh pit for young activists, right?

Full video of the So-called anti-fascists violently suppressing free speech, freedom of assembly, including at 5:00, Ash Sarkar

All trying to get her to leave, stop filming, and not interview anyone. (While getting up in her microphone to do so.)

Even public spaces are treated as their own personal secret meetings. Not very anarchist to take possession of public spaces by threats and force for political purposes. That's something only an army does. A terrorist army.

Besides, Lauren's fine. She said so herself. Came home with bruises still visible on an interview with Steven Crowder days later, but she's fine.

It's not like people make a big deal about female reporters getting bruised while covering a political event.

Michelle Fields making a big deal about bruises while covering a political event.
And that man with the flags only brandished them. Didn't batter anyone on camera.

So let's look at the Anti-Fascist guy looking all creepy and scary. He's got a cute nickname. Kerem Brulee. Adorable guy. Let's see... Likes the idea of "beating fascists". Oh.

Only 2 people retweeted this. @161_Crew must be one of Kerem's friends or biggest fans, right? I wonder what kind of stuff he's into. I mean, hardly anyone retweets this guy's stuff, but he's posting constantly.

Or maybe it's Kerem's own radical pseudonymous sock account. Whatever.

Now that sounds kinda bad, "beating" people. But beating fascists could always mean out-competing them on a fair playing field.

So what else does 161_Crew post about?

Wow. These guys sound kind of serious. But anyone can pose with a few weapons. Milo does. This International Freedom Battalion is probably just a bunch of kids, right?

Okay, so it's a lot of kids. But they can't do any real damage, though.

Wow. A tracked armored vehicle. I love getting photos like that. You can always find these broken down old tanks in a museum somewhere, right? Snag a cute selfie. I've done stuff like that.

Maybe it's not theirs. Who knows? It probably doesn't even run.

Well, yeah. That gun-mounted "Do not play with me" truck probably does.

But it's super easy to stop trucks like those. What you need for any serious combat is an armored vehicle that runs.

Oh. They're using an armored truck that's clearly fully functional.

But they're not INSANE enough to use it, right? Anti-Fasists may be zealous, hateful, financed, and well-armed.

But they're not INSANE.

Oh, shit. That son of a bitch is at LEAST as insane as me.


That's my graphic right there. It was sort of ignored after I posted it. Nobody takes this stuff seriously until a boot's on their neck.

Given what happened with @PizzaPartyBen being associated with alt-right anti-semites after one of Trump's boys liked one of his tweets and Trump posted the same picture about the same time, this gestappo-like guilt by association thing is kinda thin.

You can take these things a little too far. Surely this kind of logic doesn't prove anything. Except when THEY do it.

But at least we know Kerem obviously hates capitalism. But what does that mean? No ill will toward the established government, right?

Nigel Farage isn't a "fascists", is he? He just wants independence from the EU? No big deal.

Yikes. That's Nigel Farage, who just stepped down after the successful #Brexit campaign. And that's a picture of him right after a plane crash. A later assassination attempt occurred after some sabateur disabled his car.

So what if Kerem's kind of a scumbag. So what?

But it's not like these crazy bastards could ever accomplish anything, right?

Holy crap that's a lot of people on that bridge under a communist flag with the International Freedom Battalion.

But it's not like they're ISIS. They claim to be fighting ISIS, right? So they wouldn't pose in front of an ISIS banner, right?

Well I'll be damned.

Surely they mean they've liberated the city FROM ISIS, I'm sure. Bit of a mixed message, guys. You don't want people

Accidentally Mistaking You For The Bad Guys.

Fine with using violence, intimidation and sabotage to achieve political aims

So these are three pro-communist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist scumbag thug protesters, all of whom have pretty tight connections to violent protests, and at least one of whom proudly went to Palestine, and retweet violent shit posted by guys who love armed commie insurgents.

These blacktivists and leftists hang out with other "reds" (communists).

They're a tight clique. A gang, you might say.

Or they might say.

Just don't you worry about her direct connection to Palestine.

The triangle symbol doesn't mean a thing. They're just joking around.

You know how people joke. In-jokes.

That's why they're not smiling.

Not that she finds ANYTHING funny. At one point, she says she on Twitter she never smiles.

She's just a media darling who just "wants to be heard."

A woman who wants men dead, hangs out with violent protesters, recruits saboteurs in her class to "shut it down", encouraging children to get loud with a WuTang clan forever tattoo and maybe has trouble bringing any life into the world.

Thanks to feminism, a girl can have an easy, laid-back life. Your whole job: popping out kids who vote for democrats.

Literally your whole job descripion.

Which is incredibly rewarding for fertile women, even if they DO hate men.

So if she can't have kids, she might just be a little bitter.

None of that professional welfare mom money.

Not that we know that's the case. Do we?

It's just what her high hip-to-waist ratio suggests. Extremes in either direction are sorta bad for fertility, I hear. Even if a relatively tiny waist is super attractive to men around the world.

Okay. Maybe that's a possible reason why she's bitter. Better to be a teacher, creating "leaders" who hate white men than to have a real job.

I mean, if you can make society truly hate white men, you can get a paycheck just for being a blacktivist.

Or maybe... and this is the real dream... getting paid just for being an obese black woman.

But it's not as if obese activist black women sit around conspiring to cause havoc. Because that would be a conspiracy THEORY.

Oh, fuck. So it's a conspiracy. Probably.

It's not like being promiscous, contracting HPV leading to ovarian cancer leaves you mad at the world and angry with men.

Okay. Radiation treatments, maybe. Lucky guess. Not necessarily ovarian cancer brought on by HPV from a promiscuous lifestyle, trying to get pregnant from random dudes so you never have to work a real job.


Okay, that's something a promiscuous woman would do.

But maybe she's just a crazy feminist trying to trap a man and divorce him later. You know. Respectable.

Come on, guys. After all, nobody really cares about men, do they? Conservative Christian white guys are only the engine of the American economy, producing most of the value, doing the most dirty, noisy, dangerous, difficult jobs, almost always being the race and sex of the person who's hired and promoted unless you put barriers in their way.

Like Affirmative Action quotas.

Affirmative action isn't connected to feminist man-haters in Black Lives Matter, is it?

She's probably just a woman having problems conceiving a child. Why would she ever blame men for that?

Even though she clearly hates men, I'm sure she's no other reason to believe she's some kind of batshit crazy promiscuous girl or anything.

Don't you dare call her a slut.

Oh. Well those could just be a few modeling... photos for modeling, right?

Oh, she actually does professional modeling. So those EVEN MORE slutty photos are just personal pictures, then. For personal reasons unrelated to modeling.

But let's not be hasty. Because Cherrell's clearly a well-respected teacher in a very left-wing, segregated class in a very leftist institution.

About as far left as you can get. And media personality with some strange ideas and maybe a few too many dangerous communist friends.

I'm sure the only thing she really wants is...

You'd need  a huge army of thought police to abolish the police. 

Even BlackLivesMatter is unlikely to raise an army out of the pool of 42 million statistically very violent black people, 95% of whom absolutely refuse to vote Republican this year.

Wow. It sure seems like blacks, despite being 12.3% of the population, are responsible for 53% of homicides against blacks.

So then it's a damn good thing Ms. Brown's not a poli-sci major campaigning for political office, right?

[Admits to being a student organizer for the Obama campaign here.]

Then she gets disillusioned with OBAMA. I guess Obama's not leftist enough for her. Not accomplishing enough.

Not abolishing the police state after #Ferguson.

It's a good thing she's not the kind of person who has a huge influence in those secret, no-recordings social justice courses that teach our children God-knows-what.

She certainly can't be having them MAKE UP PROTEST CHANTS in class, right?

But that's just free speech. It doesn't have to directly translate into anything destructive. [Note the same yellow "Leader" shirts at the protest and in class.]

Okay, granted, but it's not as if they come directly out of these courses and go protest.

Not in any serious numbers, anyway.

Oh, FFS. Come on. Not in any serious numbers, anyway.

Okay, recently #BlackLivesMatter has more numbers, given tragic recent events, but they don't get legitimately violent. Not in the United States, anyway.

Damn it, #BlackLivesMatter. Will you guys stop being terrorists?

Well, I sorta walked into that one. It's a good thing I know Sargon's Law:

It's based on the simple psychological concept of projection. Something any properly-educated person clearly understands.

In the absence of knowledge about a person, we tend to fill in the gaps by projecting our own impulses to explain their motives and behaviors.

Cherrell Brown has been telegraphing those violent, terrorist political motives for years.

And now, her movement has led to the deaths of at least 4 police officers who were there to protect those protesters.

What? God, damn. I hope she's not sexually pleasuring herself to the deaths of police in Dallas tonight.

But that's what the law of projection would imply from such a statement. Such a sick and unexpected thing for her to say.

But I'm sure she's too busy with all the nationwide protests. Seems she's giving #jailsupport to arrested protesters breaking the law in New York.

Assisting known criminals.

Traveling from the UK, to New York, to Palestine, and anywhere else to support a movement designed to suppress "fascists" worldwide.

i.e. Anyone who's not left-leaning enough to try to abolish the police state. Anyone who's right of Obama, apparently, is an evil fascist to her and her "terrorist"-fighting friends.

And by terrorists, she of course means cops.

But let's not take anything to extremes.

You're making it hard to feel sorry for you. Very hard.

Especially when you tweet about how much you're getting into sex torture devices at a sex museum. That's just sorta weird.

But despite the rage, the tactics, the domestic and imported terrorism... do you suppose they have a point? Is the system trying to eliminate blacks?

It's something I address in...

The Persistent Myth Of The Planned Destruction of Blacks


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